When talking about a potentially flipping $BTC protocol, the argument always revolves around the idea that the protocol will be a competitor to $BTC.

IMO, it's TOO early in this technology's timeline to say this won't happen.

However, if and when that happens - I would be willing to bet that it is something that is not even remotely competing with $BTC and serves a different (and possibly greater) purpose.

That is $TAO (or something truly AI related - not 99.9% of AI shitcoins out there).

Then it becomes a debate about what is more important to humanity: intelligence or money?

OFC I will always defend intelligence, and money is a byproduct of intelligence and the creation is never superior to the creator.

Disclaimer: I'm not the one saying I think $TAO will turn into $BTC - I'm using this as an example, before the smooth brains freak out.
