✔️ $OP , which created an ATH of $4.87 with its rise last month, has been in the correction process for a while and fell by 41% from the ATH level to $2.85. In recent days, the price continues to rise without a break with the support it received at $2.85 levels and is currently traded at $3.33 levels. When we examine the OP chart in the 4-hour time period, we see that the price is still in a falling trend-like structure despite this increase and the first resistance in front of us is this falling trend.

✔️ Another data we need to examine for the OP is the liquidation heat maps: Since the price has been in the correction process and falling trend for a long time, long liquidations have been making targeted movements for about a month. When we examine the monthly liquidation map, we see that there is almost no pressure from long orders on the price and there are many short liquidations in the regions I have indicated with yellow lines on the chart. This appears as a very important positive data.

✔️ Despite OP's bullish structure, I think it is risky to trade for this coin right now. If the price moves as I have indicated with the light blue brush on the chart or falls back to the $2.85 - $3.00 price range, you can participate in the transaction with a spot purchase or a long order on the futures side.

❗️ What I write here is my own opinion and is not investment advice. #dyor