📊 When you pay attention to the participation and bet amounts in the#SAGAlaunchpool, you can see that there is a balanced interest. A total of 253,000 investors participated with 18,045,503 BNB. Similarly, for ENA, 239,000 investors contributed 17,982,369 BNB, which represents a difference of 0.3%.

💰 In terms of bet amounts, 223,000 people have bet a total of 2,812,817,659 FDUSD in the $SAGA launch pool. For $ENA, this amount was 1,896,050,722 FDUSD, a difference of 48%.

🔄 Based on this data, it is observed that the advantage of the FDUSD pool over the BNB pool has decreased to 0.98. So, for 100 units of $SAGA earned with 100 dollars of $BNB, the amount of $SAGA earned so far with 100 FDUSD is calculated as 98 units.

💡 This evaluation analyzes the trends in participation and betting amounts in the $SAGA launchpool, revealing the balances and advantages in the pools.