Don't be too happy too soon. Based on my years of experience in cryptocurrency trading, there will be three situations for BTC and ETH in the future

1: BTC is between 71000-72000 and ETH is between 3400-3600.

2: BTC returns to 69000-70000 like a pin, and ETH returns to 3100-3200 to continue to settle and wait

3: BTC breaks through 75000 and approaches 80000, and ETH breaks through 4000 and approaches 4500

The above is the conclusion I have drawn from years of cryptocurrency trading, for your reference only

Finally, I think it is better to buy #Meme and buy local dogs. Of course, local dogs should buy #bebe

bebe rush! Buy bebe

Buy bebe

Buy bebe

Buy bebe

#bebe $SOL