I took a senior in the cryptocurrency circle who has achieved financial freedom to Shuihui to have his ears cleaned, his feet washed, and he lay down for three days and three nights in exchange for the experience of retail investors turning over in the bull market. Now I summarize it into 9 points!

I hope you will give me face and like it after reading it. After all, it was obtained by washing my feet for three days!

1. Survival rules in the cryptocurrency circle

The truth about contract trading You may think that contract trading has a 50% winning rate, but in fact, less than 10% of investors can really make a profit.

2. Rumors of making money

When you hear that a project or currency has great profit potential, it usually means that the market is overheated and you may be about to become a buyer.

3. Market reversal point

When you feel desperate in the market and it seems that everything is about to collapse, this may indicate that the prelude to the bull market is about to begin.

4. Omen of skyrocketing

When you are full of confidence in the skyrocketing of a certain currency, this is often a signal that the dealer is ready to harvest.

5. Risks and benefits of the cryptocurrency circle

The cryptocurrency circle seems to be full of gold, but in fact the risk of loss is equally huge.

6. The real income of KOLs

You may envy the high income of those famous people in the currency circle, but many KOLs who stick to their principles and do not cut leeks may not earn as much as you think.

7. The truth about dog coins

Although dog coins seem to have huge room for growth, in fact, the risk of them returning to zero is extremely high, close to 99.99%.

8. Relationship with dealers

You may regard dealers as enemies, but in fact, in the currency circle, maintaining a good relationship with dealers can better share the dividends of the market.

9. The illusion of value

In the currency circle, you may pursue value investment, but in fact, it is the desire and greed of market participants that really create value. The truth of getting rich in the currency circle is more dependent on luck than simple efforts to realize the dream of getting rich in the currency circle.

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