Want to make money? Keep quiet!

The Art of Silence: Making More Money with Crypto by Saying Less

Trading crypto can be exciting and profitable, but there's a trick to it. One thing to remember is when to stay quiet about how well your coin is doing. Let's look at three reasons why it's smart to keep your coin's success off social media.

Avoid Alerting Big Investors

When you talk online about how well your coin is doing, big investors (we call them 'whales') notice. They might sell a lot of their coins, which can stop your coin's success. By staying quiet, you give them less reason to sell quickly.

Protect New Investors

If you talk about your coin's success, you might attract professional traders. They might sell their coins fast when the success slows down. That's bad for new investors who bought in at a higher price. If fewer people know about your coin's success, it's safer for new investors.

Let Success Grow Naturally

If your coin is doing well, it's probably for a good reason. By keeping quiet, you let the success grow on its own. People who want to invest can buy a little at a time, which is safer than buying all at once.

Remember, in crypto, it's not just about buying and selling at the right time. Sometimes, it's best to keep quiet.

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