5. Money in the currency circle seems to be easy to make, but in fact, the risk of loss is higher. Therefore, before deciding to invest, you must do sufficient market research and risk preparation.

6. You may think that kols make a lot of money in the currency circle, but in fact, the income of kols who do not cut leeks, do not cheat people, and do not issue coins may not be as high as yours. This shows that there are not many professionals who can really stand out in the currency circle.

7. You may think that local dogs have the opportunity to turn 100 times, but in fact, the return rate of local dogs is very high. Therefore, when choosing an investment project, you must carefully evaluate its risk and return ratio.

8. You may think that the dealer is the enemy and you need to defeat them to make a profit, but in fact, we should hold our thighs tightly and dance with the dealer to drink soup. This shows that it is not wise to fight against the dealer in the currency circle, but we should seek cooperation and win-win.

9. You may think that the currency circle should be valued, but in fact, all coins have no real value. The value is only generated by human greed. This reminds us not to be driven by greed in the investment process, but to analyze and make decisions rationally.

10. You may think that getting rich in the cryptocurrency world requires hard work, but in fact it all depends on luck. This shows that success in the cryptocurrency world cannot be achieved through simple hard work, but also requires a certain degree of market insight and luck.