'can't stop checking your charts every minute?

'don't you understand why you can't stop trading, even when it makes no sense?

'Do you feel dissatisfied even when you have increased your balance because you feel like you could earn more?

'Do thoughts about money never leave you?

'Can't you go to bed until you earn at least some money?

'It seems to you that you are doing everything right, but in real life there is no more money?

'Are you no longer afraid to take risks and are thinking in the “all or nothing” category?

I will give answers to these and many other questions in a series of publications on the topic “player psychology or how to defeat yourself”

I will share my experience in the field of gambling, trading and psychology, so that you can avoid mistakes that can be easily avoided if you follow certain rules and work on yourself.

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The power is within you💪💪💪