A short story that reflects human nature #YGG

She asked him, 'How much are these eggs?

The old man selling eggs replied, "Madam, one egg is $0.25." She said to him, "I'll give you $1.25 for 6 eggs, otherwise I won't buy them." The old man replied, "Sell! I'll ask for good luck, because I haven't sold even one egg today." She took the eggs and walked away, feeling victorious.

She drove a luxury car to a Michelin restaurant with her friends. There, she and her friends ordered many delicious foods that they couldn't finish. In the end, the bill was $45, but she generously gave $50, leaving the remaining $5 as a tip.

This generous "bargain" may seem normal to the restaurant owner, but it was very painful for the poor old man selling eggs. The point is, why do we always act stingy or even overbearing when we buy from people who need money? Why are we generous to those who don't need our generosity?

My father used to buy simple goods from poor people at high prices, even though he didn't need them. Sometimes he even used to pay extra for them. I was concerned about this behavior and asked him why he did this? Then my father replied, "This alms can preserve their dignity, my child." 关注我

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