The European Commission will launch a new European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) dedicated to increasing efforts to compete with other large blockchain infrastructures, such as South America's Lacchain and China's Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN). The creation of the new blockchain entity will be formalized before the end of the year. Then, EDIC will be "gradually organized to be fully operational in 2024." The European Commission is said to have spent 347 million euros on blockchain-related research and innovation projects between 2017 and 2022.

It is reported that the European Blockchain Services and Infrastructure (EBSI) is the current blockchain project, established in 2018 by the Commission and a group of 29 European countries, laying the foundation for future EU public services. After the Stockholm Conference, EBSI will slowly transition to a new political entity. At full scale, each country will run at least one EBSI node. (DLNews)