If you experience regular FOMO that you can't cope with through rational thinking, here's what you need to do:

🟱1. Remove all previously traded assets from the list.
Leave one, maximum two, this way we practically eliminate the possibility of missing a position due to too large a list of assets.

🟱2. Limit yourself from your own deposit.
Leave in your trading account just enough to manage two positions at the same time.
(This point is needed for those who do not adhere to management and exceed the risks)

🟱3. Learn to work with alerts.
Place alerts in front of all potential POIs, liquidity pools, after BOS swings.

🟱4. The risk is only on paper
If you missed a position and are trying to pull your own trading system by the ears to enter, try entering a trade “on paper”.
From such demo trading you can collect statistics in the future.
Most likely, it will be unsatisfactory.

🟱5. Rethinking the essence of your failures.
Price Action provides a fairly strict set of rules.
Trust your own trading system, if you start to feel FOMO, think about the fact that PA provides many intraday setups that you don’t have to wait two days for.
Accept that most of the problems come from your attitude and expectations from the market