1. If you see a chart consisting only of green candles, think about it. This is unnatural growth. No normal token behaves like this - along with green candles, there are always red candles, even during periods of rapid growth (at least on small timeframes).

2. Never trust a person’s word when it comes to investments.
Check information in other sources. You must understand that the entire responsibility for the safety of your investments lies only with you. Check everything yourself.

3. If you are guaranteed profit and X's, they are trying to deceive you.
There are no guarantees in investments, especially in high-risk ones, such as the cryptocurrency market.

4. Do not invest in high-risk instruments amounts that you are not prepared to lose.

5. Check any token on special resources
Such as - poocoin - tokensniffer - rugdoc - honeypot.is

I hope this article will save someone from losing money, but if you have already given your money into the clutches of scammers, I’m sorry.
Many people sooner or later become victims of deception, especially those who take the path of investment.
Beginners are the main target audience of scammers; it is very important to take this bad experience as a lesson.
Investment is a risk.