The way to really make money in the currency circle is not to hoard coins, but to keep them.

There are three basic elements for people who keep coins in the currency circle:

1. To keep coins, you must use your spare money to invest, don't go all in. Once the market does not meet expectations, or falls, you lose money, and need money, you can only bear the pain of cutting your losses.

2. To keep coins, you must have value beliefs, and you should learn more about the founders of the project, their ideas, their consensus, their underlying technical strength, their ecological construction, and their consensus on future values.

3. To keep coins, you must be calm. In the face of future value, you don't care about the temporary rise and fall of prices, but how many coins you can hold in your hands when the price rises to the price you want in the future.

The second is consensus:

How do consensus makers settle?

1. After countless ups and downs, all speculators were eliminated, and finally the consensus was left.

2. Bitcoin was worthless in the first year. After 10 years, countless ups and downs, speculators and distrusters were kicked out, and finally a huge consensus was precipitated, so it is valuable!

3. Ethereum was worthless at the beginning. After 5 years of countless ups and downs, speculators were kicked out and consensus was precipitated, so it is valuable!

The third is persistence:

1. It is better to complete 1 project in 5 years than to change 5 projects in 1 year.

2. It is better to be slow and stable.

3. It is more important to accumulate, don't think about making quick money!

The last point is more important. Don't cut it if it falls, double the principal, don't be greedy, as long as you don't cut it, the dealer can't cut you.

Friends who are not good at short-term trading and have orders, can find Jun Yaoqi in the currency circle to answer their questions.

In a word: follow Jun Yao and you won’t get lost. I will take you to climb the warehouse-turning tree. A million-dollar warehouse-turning is not a dream. A sack of grains is not enough.