
Hey, newbies, let me tell you about my experience in the cryptocurrency world!

I remember 10 years ago, I was still a whiteie who knew nothing about digital currency. At that time, my friend excitedly told me: "Buy Bitcoin quickly, this thing can make a lot of money in the future!" When I heard it, I was wondering what Bitcoin was?

Then in 2016, my friend came to me excitedly and said: "This time you have to listen to me, buy Ethereum, it will definitely make money!" When I heard it, I was still a little unsure, after all, the world of digital currency was too unfamiliar to me.

Then in 2019, he recommended Shiba Inu Coin to me again, saying that it was a new hot spot and would definitely be popular. I laughed at the time, wondering why this friend always wanted to drag me into the water?

Then in 2022, he mentioned something called CCDS, saying that it was a potential stock. I was a little impatient at the time, thinking why do you always recommend things I have never heard of?

In 2023, he came to me again and said: "You have to listen to me this time, buy pepe, this is definitely an opportunity!" As soon as I heard it, I knew in my heart that this must be a scam! I didn't fall for it, fortunately I didn't buy it at that time.

Looking back now, those friends who bought Bitcoin and Ethereum are now living a prosperous life, driving luxury cars, accompanied by beautiful women, and traveling around the world. Seeing them so chic, I am a little envious in my heart. But then again, this is not the life I want. What I want is to accumulate experience and wealth slowly through my own efforts in the currency circle, rather than blindly following the recommendations of others.

So newbies, you must keep a clear mind in the currency circle, don't easily believe in other people's recommendations, and make your own judgments and decisions.

In the bull market, we have formed the best small circle on the entire network, sharing our experience and strategies for free, and keeping up with the bull market deployment, whether it is a slow bull stage or a sector rotation. Never miss it.
