Highly recommended:

Bitcoin's first-layer asset issuance protocol RGB++ asset Nomadlandio new issue? It starts around 7pm, be prepared in advance! Many people are watching this tonight!

1. It was said before that it will start within 48 hours, and it will start soon. It is worthwhile to use dozens of u to bet on thousands of dollars in profit

2. Open the URL https://app.joy.id/, create a wallet, you need a win11 system or a mobile phone to create a wallet, and then buy about 100 dollars of ckb on Binance and flush it to the wallet and wait for the start of the issue.

Article Overview "CKB Ecosystem Director Baiyu: RGB++ Protocol is an independent first-layer protocol, and the future of RGB++ is unlimited": https://www.chaincatcher.com/article/2119472