$TRX Good news every day, Sun Ge talks every day, and the functions are powerful every day. The coin price does not rise every day. Damn it, what's wrong with our mentality?

Trx has a huge trading volume, so is the handling fee profitable?

Trx has many stablecoins, so is it a strong consensus and has many applications?

Sol has been down recently, shouldn't trx catch up?

Every day he talks about functions, applications, and good news.

If the coin price does not rise, it's none of my business.

Wld coin, no application, free. How many times is the price of your trx?

Sun Ge makes so much money himself, his wallet is so full, why doesn't he pull his own son?

Btt floor price, how hard is it to remove a few zeros?

As a project owner, eating lobsters and abalones, giving followers some seafood soup is also considered conscientious.

As a rich man, he has made a lot of money, and helping the bull market and pulling up the K-line is also considered to be true to his original intention.

Don't brag all the time, but you don't have any money.

I want to emphasize that it's not that the leeks are impatient, nor that they have a narrow vision.

It's not easy for everyone to exchange real money for your computer program code.

After you've sold the leeks, don't you look back at the parents who raised you and fed you?