Twelve pieces of advice for new investors. If you don't listen, you will only lose more and more!

1. The cryptocurrency market has gradually become formalized. Don't fantasize about huge profits. Double coins are rare.

2. The primary market seems attractive, but most projects are extremely risky. Be careful of being cut.

3. Contract trading is risky. Rolling positions is a long-term solution. Avoid all-in.

4. When a currency is hyped up, it is often close to the top. Don't blindly chase high.

5. Regardless of age, studies and careers are important, and cryptocurrency speculation is secondary. Trading requires patience and time.

6. Keep a normal mind. Profits and losses come from the same source. Emotional trading is the source of failure.

7. Be wary of the "secrets to making money" recommended by others. This is often a trap.

8. The income from holding positions may not be real. Don't be easily fooled by the income of others.

9. Contract trading is easy to return to zero. You need to control your gambling nature and trade rationally to last long.

10. Pay attention to experience sharing bloggers, stay away from brainwashing and promotion accounts, and truly learn the way of trading.

11. Establish your own trading strategy, do not blindly follow others, and find a way to make money that suits you.

12. Communicate with the old people in the currency circle, learn from their experience and lessons, avoid repeating the same mistakes, and make steady profits.

Remember these advices. Although the road to the currency circle is full of challenges, you can also gain growth and wealth. Stay cautious and rational, and move forward steadily! Please follow me, we have a professional analysis team. To find me, please click on the homepage introduction to view it, and browse our top articles to get my prestige. In addition, we also provide free live broadcast guidance every week to help you better master relevant knowledge and skills. Looking forward to your participation and communication! #大盘走势 #非农数据 #WIF #sui #SHIB