Yesterday, ETH's short-term strategy for Ethereum was that if it can be maintained above 3250, long orders can be arranged accordingly. Today, the highest rebound reached around 3350, and the highest profit can reach 100 points!! The overall rebound is not strong, mainly linked to the big cake. It is currently running above 3300. The second retracement has not fallen below 3200. It is an opportunity for the main force to make a market. From the current inflow and outflow, the main force has signs of absorbing funds.

First of all, we are optimistic about the fundamentals of Ethereum. If Ethereum is not a core coin in the currency circle, there will be no core coin. Buy when no one cares and sell when the crowd is noisy. The current position is absolutely reasonable for the layout of spot. You can consider arranging in batches according to time and space, and holding in the medium and long term. Maybe this wave of bull market is enough. This is the way to play spot. The contract must wait until it strengthens and follow the trend. The current position is low and oscillating. If you want to strengthen, you must break through 3400 with large volume.

In terms of exchange rate, the lowest point touched around 0.048 after the decline yesterday. It is currently rebounding slightly and running at Near 0.0492, the rebound is close to 2.5%, indicating that there is demand for Ether at the current position, but if the market wants to strengthen, it still needs to pay attention to the trend of Bitcoin. If the subsequent exchange rate returns to above 0.05,

consider going long on the exchange rate

At the current point, the upper short-term resistance continues to focus on 3400 3530, and the lower support focuses on 3200 and 3000

In terms of operation, the trend of Ether is slightly easing today, and there is a small rebound compared to Bitcoin. If it can maintain fluctuations around 3330, you can try to arrange long orders. Pay attention to the entry opportunities around 3250 for low-absorption ideas, and risk control below 3200