Main Image text: BTC


※As mentioned above, the bearer of the large-band downward consolidation on the 19th said on the 23rd that the bearer would not end his departure. He also informed that he would continue to accumulate funds on the 29th as mentioned on the 19th. Therefore, as long as it reaches a record high, we must pay attention to the possibility of a collapse.

※ Following the previous article, many major events will be avoided for six days, and the event will be postponed to after April 2. And around April 10th as mentioned above, choose one.

※ Carrying forward the bullish trend on the previous 3 days until 0:00 on the 7th, the short sellers used shock consolidation, and consolidation requires high and low points, and allows the bullish bullish price to rebound. The current price trend has established a consolidation low at 12 o'clock on the 4th and can rebound. It has established a consolidation high at 2 o'clock on the 5th and started to form a sideways consolidation.


★As mentioned above, after 0:00 on the 7th, many traders began to build high points.

As mentioned above, we should pay attention to the bearer on the 9th. Since the bearer as mentioned in the article on March 19 is in a downward concussion band, what we should pay attention to on the 9th is that after the high point is established on the 7th, the bearer on the 9th may move down to consolidation. The low point of the range can be broken down, or it can create what technicians often call a false breakthrough.

Therefore, even if it breaks down after the 9th, it will return to support and become pressure. And continue to pay attention to the events on the 10th. As long as the multi-owner event does not occur, the short-term owner will start preparing to suppress it after the 11th, and even if the event does not occur, it will suppress it in advance.

#大盘走势 #內容挖矿 #內容挖礦 #BTC
