1. When it comes to money, sex comes second. Don’t spend money recklessly on women.

2. Many women who play cards lose their virginity.

3. The softer a man is, the harder it is for him to get a girlfriend.

4. In order to have sex, women need a reason, but men only need a place.

5. If a woman is not attractive, she will say that the man is unfaithful; if a man is not capable, he will say that the woman is realistic.

6. In any relationship, as long as the other party has not considered your feelings and interests at all, you should stop the loss in time.

7. No matter whose family has something going on, as long as you have not been notified, just pretend you don’t know and don’t ask about it afterwards.

8. Once someone turns against you, no matter if they are relatives or friends, you can never go back to the past.

9. Interpersonal communication is like a business. Whether it can be sincere or not depends entirely on your bargaining chips.

10. The more you care about what others think, the more you tend to live a more humble life and destroy yourself step by step.

11. Don’t post to your Moments too frequently. There are always people secretly observing you. Don’t disbelieve it.

12. Don’t overestimate your position in others’ hearts. In fact, people will only think of you when they need you.

13. When you learn to say no to others and learn to fight back, others will respect you and even be in awe of you.

14. Everyone is a snob and everyone is greedy because it is human nature.

15. When you make a fool of yourself, there will always be a group of pigs laughing. But don't be afraid, after all, everyone makes a fool of themselves sometimes.

16. Learn to keep your mouth shut. Don’t reveal what you already know. Don’t complain to the opposite sex, as it is easy for others to take advantage of you.

17. Learn to praise people, recognize people, make use of the best talents in the world, and avoid being too selfish.

18. You can laugh at others, but don’t laugh at the things they like, because I know that this is a real slap in the face.

19. When clinking glasses with others at the table, your glass must be lower than the other person's, especially if the other person is an elder or a leader.

20. If you want to keep a relationship with anyone, don't take it too seriously. If you take it too seriously, you will inevitably lose it.

21. A married woman must bring some gifts when she returns to her parents’ home, and should not interfere in her parents’ affairs, because your status has changed to that of a guest.

22. If a man doesn’t have a house, the first people who will look down on you are your partner’s parents.

23. Cigarettes build bridges, wine paves the way, and connections take you to the highway; these three elements of success are indispensable.

24. The highest level of punishment is silence, and the most reserved revenge is to ignore. Don't dwell on bad things, don't get angry at people who are not worth it, and live a noble life.

25. If you want to know whether this person is worthy of your interaction, remember, you should ignore him first.

26. Plan in secret, plan with people first. Once people are connected, things will be easier to do, and the outcome will be set once you make a move.

27. No matter who you are facing, as long as you don’t owe him anything, there is no need to be submissive. You need to be more assertive to gain the initiative in social situations.

28. In this world, no one will pay attention to your process, they will only look at the results, including your loved ones.

29. Don’t talk about people who are not present. The more secrets you tell, the more dangers are waiting for you.

30. Sudden temper is often the result of grievances that have been accumulated for a long time.

31. What often exhausts you is not the work but the people you meet at work.

32. You must learn to be stingy when spending money. Unless you have a mine at home, no one will pay for your generosity.

33. Don’t expect your drinking buddies to help you at critical moments. It is already very conscientious of them to choose not to stay out of it.

34. As a person, never overestimate your relationship with anyone, and never underestimate the profit-seeking rule of human nature.

35. When doing things, you should keep some skills and maintain your value, so that you will not lose your job.

36. When a friend invites you to dinner, it is polite not to bring other guests along.

37. If you come across a dinner party by chance, no matter how enthusiastic others are, don’t attend it.

38. Only after retirement will you realize that colleagues, classmates, and friends are just passers-by in life and will eventually be wiped out. (Reprinted)

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