In fact, many people do not have the basic meta-cognition about whether making money depends on luck or strength.

Of course, there is a standard for distinguishing between luck and strength: it mainly depends on whether this methodology can be used repeatedly to accumulate more capital.

Many people in the cryptocurrency world have lost money. If they make money or lose money based on luck, then if he has lost 1 million, he probably made 300,000 on paper. If he lost 100,000, he probably made 30,000.

The ratio of loss to profit is 7:3. Losses are always greater than profits, so the probability of losing money by luck is extremely high.

Most beginners are like this.

You have prepared a sum of money, listening to the live broadcasts of various teachers, various gossips, and the propaganda of various groups, saying that a certain coin is very good. Of course, group members will also assist. At this time, the voice of the market is everywhere about who has made how much, who has been free, and who has bought how much. You will definitely be eager to make money. It is really easy to make money. Should I buy some? You hesitated, and the price went up again. You are very patient and insisted on holding back and not buying. You will buy when it falls a little. Sure enough, it fell. You thought it would fall a little more, and then it went up again. You didn’t buy it, and you regretted it again. If you had bought it here at the beginning, I would have made 30%, but you didn’t buy it. At this time, various news intensified, and everyone said that they made money. You were very upset and thought, am I so bad? Why do everyone make money but I don’t? This is why you have a sleepless night. In the morning, the price has risen by 30%. You can't help it. You buy it. After buying it, your whole world is relaxed. The magic that attracted you to buy is gone. You feel relaxed. The price goes up as soon as you buy it. You make 10% in less than half a day. It goes up every day in the following days. You only hate yourself for buying too late and buying too little. You never sell it. You believe that this wave can make you earn dozens of times. The voice in your heart further strengthens your mentality of holding the currency. You make the biggest decision in your life: I want to live and die with the currency, either return to zero or get rich. After a few days, the market began to pull back. It fell by 20% in one day. After only two -20%, it fell to your cost line. Naturally, it kept falling. You simply stopped watching. A bull market was about to pass. Of course, your currency fell to single digits.

Some veterans are like this.

Only after you have been a novice can you have the awareness of an old hand. You start to know that you should run away. You absolutely don’t believe in the idea of ​​living and dying with the currency. You will think that you can run away after making money and switch to other currencies to continue making money. Coins are all deceptive. This market is all about mutual deception. I run fast, even if I lose money, I will run away. No one can cut me. You know how to chase hot spots, know how to manage positions, know how to choose coins, know how to read K-lines, and observe emotions. You can always make a little money by buying and selling, but your wealth has never outperformed the market. Bitcoin has increased by 3 times, but you still only make one time. What happened? Is the method wrong? You keep correcting your experience and finally go through a cycle. You have played contracts, done swing trading, and chased various hot spots, but you still can’t outperform Bitcoin. You always find that there are gains and losses. You can always make money by investing small money, but you always lose more by investing big money. It seems that there is a kind of magic that makes your acceleration of making money unable to offset the gravity of losing money, and your wealth can never go up.

All the decisions they make are based on luck. No matter how they revise or quantify their methodology, their methodology cannot be systematized and put into practice in the long term. In other words, there is no standard. The fundamental reason why they cannot make money that can change their destiny is the lack of accumulation. It is sometimes good and sometimes bad, and it can never accumulate.

People who rely on their strength know clearly whether they make money by luck or by strength at that moment.

If it depends on luck, but they know it is based on luck, then this is actually also strength. This is called knowing that you don’t know.

If they rely on luck, but they don’t know that they rely on luck, then they are actually relying on luck. This is called not knowing that you don’t know, and this is the most terrifying thing.

If they rely on strength, but they know that they rely on strength, then they rely on strength. This is called knowing that they know.

In the cryptocurrency world, the only thing you can control is buying, selling, and selecting targets.

What you can least control is price changes and market trend changes.

But many people always think they can control it. If they make a profit after buying, they think they made the profit through good analysis.

To put it simply, if you want to make money in a world that you cannot control, you must adapt to these things that you cannot control, and don't try to control them. Trying to catch luck is doomed to failure.

You may not know how lucky you are to be able to enter the cryptocurrency circle at this stage. You are too greedy to want to optimize your luck.

In other words, you should stop guessing prices and analyzing prices to predict market changes from now on. This is the basic knowledge that you need to truly accumulate strength in the cryptocurrency circle.

Based on this basic understanding, you can then buy and sell, and choose the target. This is the most useful thing.

What you can do is to earn more cash flow. The acceleration of your money-making and the acceleration of the wealth growth in the cryptocurrency circle, multiplied by the two, is greater than the gravity of the fate of poverty.

You're done.

What 90% of people in the market do is to optimize their luck. Most of them are destined not to find the key to wealth.

With this basic metacognition, I will choose to optimize my strength, accumulate capital, and continuously increase the magnitude of the capital.

There is only one word: Tun.

Yesterday, a group of netizens said that they had quit the circle and sold out.

Sold. Everything I owned, I sold. All my coins, I lost. I have completely withdrawn from the cryptocurrency market, I can't stand it any more. The violent selling, the manipulation, everything is very violent.

The digital currency thing is over, and I am out of it. I am glad to meet you all, and each of us has our own dream in life, and each of us has our own colorful dreams.

I responded humorously: I strongly opposed your leaving the literary world back then, but now that your dream in the cryptocurrency world has been shattered and you have returned, it would be great if you could contribute to the literary world again.

Please believe me, everything I said is wrong.

I have finished writing, keep it up. I am a masseur in Circle B, an old investor who sincerely wishes you to get rich in the cryptocurrency circle.