🔥🔥🔥The wealth code of contract trading in the currency circle-I share the three core tricks of my many years of trading experience for free!

As an old leek in the currency circle, I have been trading in the currency circle for 7 years without knowing it. It is not easy to survive in the currency circle until now! I have been beaten by dog ​​dealers before, and I have experienced many liquidations. I have been confused and have smoked Yan one pack after another in a dark corner countless times. This is the price paid for growth!

Although I have also played in the stock market for many years before, although the currency circle and the stock market have many similarities. But after all, there are still many differences. In fact, looking back now, it was not a problem to see the direction at the beginning. I have always had a high accuracy rate in grasping the direction. The problem is that the currency circle really magnifies the greed of human nature infinitely. Without strong concentration, it is really easy to lose yourself. After all, there is a saying that the currency circle is a day, and the stock market is a year. The currency circle may go through the road that the stock market has to go in a year in one day!

Today I will talk about a summary of my many years of trading experience and share it for free. I hope it can help everyone. Of course, I will mainly talk about it in general terms. It depends on the reactions of fans and friends. If you feel that it is necessary to talk about it in detail, I will publish three detailed articles to talk about these three points respectively. The core can be summarized into three points:

First, position management. This is the top priority! If you have not realized the importance of position management, it means that you have not yet left the novice village. You are still in the stage of pure novice! My previous article talked about position management and how I managed it. If you are interested, you can take a look at it again. Of course, I just talked about it briefly and gave a method that I think is the simplest, effective, easy to learn and easy to use! It can be said that position management determines how long you can survive in the currency circle in the future!

Let me briefly say here that you must have thought about where to put the stop loss before opening a contract, right? (Don’t tell me you opened a contract without thinking about where to put your stop loss.) How big a position you open depends on where you put your stop loss. Think about whether you can psychologically bear the loss if the stop loss is hit. If you can’t, it means your position is too large and you need to reduce it! If you can psychologically bear it, it means your position is just right!This is very easy to calculate, and it can be calculated in one go. Don't use the percentage of the position, which is really hard to calculate. It takes time. Many times, opening an order at a good point is a matter of a moment!

Second, develop good trading habits, which include several points:

1. Opening an order must have a stop loss, which is just an iron discipline for doing contracts. If this cannot be followed, I advise you to directly pay the money to the dog dealer to save people from torture! Never be lucky enough to carry an order. You carry it back nine times out of ten, and you are still complacent, thinking that you can carry it back, and you only need one time to send you away! This kind of people actually accounts for the majority!

2. Maintain a good mentality, don't get too excited when placing an order, don't want to make up for the loss immediately after losing, and then frequently operate, which is a very dangerous thing. I have seen too many people who lost a sum and then got excited, wanting to make up for the loss immediately, and constantly operated, but ended up returning to zero overnight. This goes back to what I said before. When you open an order, you have already thought about where to put the stop loss. Then you already know how much loss you will have if the stop loss is hit. These are all things that have been thought about before opening an order. So if the stop loss is hit, you should relax, maintain a good mentality, and find a good opportunity to fight again later.

3. Don't be preconceived. If you know some technology, it's best. If you don't know, then you should not be preconceived. I have met too many such people. Preconceived: I think it will fall. Now it is the dog dealer who deliberately pulls the market to force a short. Now it is the main force that is holding it up. I think it will rise. I don't believe it won't rise. I will hold the order. It will definitely rise. With so many good news, how can it not rise? Now pay attention to deliberately falling and exploding long orders. This is a typical preconceived idea. To put it bluntly, it is a stubborn one. It is very stubborn. It refuses to admit defeat when it loses. The market changes rapidly. You can't say, I think, I think, I believe, I firmly believe, etc. The market has changed, and our thinking must change in time! If you are wrong, you must admit it, and you must stand at attention when you are beaten!

Third, you must pay attention to the profit and loss ratio when doing contract trading! Many people don’t have the concept of profit and loss ratio in their minds. If the first two points are the key factors to ensure that you can survive in the cryptocurrency circle for a long time.Then the profit and loss ratio determines whether you can make a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle. Many people do contracts blindly. Many things have not formed a system. Anyway, they just rely on their feelings, and they don’t leave themselves a way out. They hit the nail on the head.

Take myself as an example. I will never decide to make an order. It depends on two things.

First, through technical analysis, I am more sure of the direction of the market going up or down, so I do it.

Second, although the technical analysis is not too sure, for example, I am bullish, but not too sure, but the current point is very good, and the predicted room for decline is not large, but the upper space is large, and the profit and loss ratio is high, so it can also be done.

You can do it if one of the two conditions is satisfied, and of course it is best to meet both conditions at the same time. For example, when I usually make an order, the required profit and loss ratio starts at 1:3. For example, I made a long order some time ago. From the perspective of technical analysis, that order is not particularly sure, but it is okay, 70% sure! But I saw that the profit and loss ratio is very high, so I did it. When I left, the profit and loss ratio reached 1:7. That is to say, I made 7 times the profit.

Then, I used the same position to make other contracts. I could make mistakes 7 times in a row, and I would not lose the principal. My tolerance rate was greatly improved. So I will have a better mentality when doing orders later. With a better mentality, the accuracy of doing orders will be better. And if I get one of the 7 orders right again, I will make money again. If I get two orders right, I will make more. What's more, the accuracy of my market analysis is still very high.

Therefore, the profit and loss ratio must be taken seriously. This is the fundamental factor that determines whether you can make a lot of money in the currency circle. Many people are just the opposite. They run away when they make a little profit, and they hold on when they lose. Even if you are in the right direction, you can't make money. You say you don't lose money, who will lose money!

The above views are personal opinions for sharing, learning and communication, and are not intended as any investment guidance! (Captain Bitcoin)