#MyFirstSquarePost Olá, Binance Square!#defi #ai #staking #datastaking

In the age of AI, data has become the most valuable commodity in the world. The largest and most valuable source of this data comes from the billions of users who browse the Internet, engage on social platforms, and live their digital lives.

For too long, Big Tech companies have exploited our data, and the rise of AI is exacerbating this problem. This generation of Generative AI requires enormous amounts of data to train hyper-personalized AI models and agents. To obtain this data, AI companies are scraping the open web and social platforms. Essentially, stealing data from users around the world.

Users do not have the ability to control, consent to, and receive fair compensation for their personal data. Meanwhile, Big Tech is creating billions, soon trillions, in value through AI innovation — without sharing any economic benefits with users.

Masa is revolutionizing the way users can benefit from this AI boom, giving them a direct way to monetize their digital footprint while protecting their privacy. In this blog, we delve into Masauet's revolutionary AI Data Staking model that empowers billions of users to participate in the AI ​​data economy.

AI Data Staking: Get Paid to Train AI

Every day, we leave digital footprints as we read emails, browse social media, visit websites and live our digital lives. Masa operates silently in the background, gathering its comprehensive digital footprint, ensuring it remains private and secure in private data lockers Zero-Knowledge Soulbound Tokens (zkSBTs).

You can simply open the Masa app, see what data you have on the Masa Network, evaluate its value, and stake your data in different AI staking pools to earn rewards. Here's how...

Contributing Your Data to the Masa Network

Mission to Earn: Engage in specific activities or tasks to contribute data and earn rewards on the Masa app. Example missions include joining a Discord channel, participating in a trading competition, and staking your dice for AI model training.

Surf to Earn: Earn rewards simply by surfing the web with Masa Chrome Extension. The Chrome Extension captures valuable data points and stores them in your private data locker.

Nodes to Learn: Users and node operators automatically act as decentralized node operators scraping public and private data with Masa Chrome Extension and Masa Data Oracle. It's never easier to become a node operator with minimal technical barriers.

Passive Rewards: The Masauilits partner ecosystem uses the Masa SDK to aggregate data and insights about its community. You can earn passive rewards on aggregated data from our extensive web3 partner ecosystem.

Monetizing your Data on the Masa Network

Masa uses a points system to quantify the value of your data on the Masa Network. After the launch of Masa Mainnet on April 11th, you can easily check your accumulated data “points” on the Masa App.

You can then stake your dice “points” in various dice betting pools to earn rewards. Developers in the Masaibots ecosystem create these pools to incentivize different data contributions — for example, an AI trading bot developer would reward contributions of wallet interaction data. This system ensures maximum privacy, as all data is encrypted and shared only with your permission.

Powering Hyper-Personalized AI Use Cases with Your Data

An innovative approach to rewarding users for providing their data to power AI applications opens up a wide range of innovative and interesting use cases. We believe that future AI models will know users better than they know themselves, and this requires AI models to be trained on their personal data.

AI predictions for the Crypto Market: By providing developers with real-time datasets covering user browsing behavior, social sentiment and on-chain data, Masa can power AI models to identify cryptocurrency market trends, identify investment opportunities, and, and facilitate more accurate price predictions.

AI for NFT Management: Oracle can channel structured data on the latest NFT trends and social sentiments, enhancing AI-powered NFT management tools for better discovery, valuation, and trading strategies.

AI for Political Predictions: Diverse data covering social sentiment, engagement and link clicks can even predict voter sentiment in the presidential election — showing the vast potential of user-contributed data.applications.

In conclusion

We believe users have the right to benefit financially from the AI ​​boom. Masa champions a new way for users to earn by training AI models with their personal data while ensuring they maintain privacy and control.

By participating in the Masa’ ecosystem, users not only protect their digital footprint, but also contribute to a more equitable and transparent data economy. As AI continues to evolve exponentially, collaboration between human data contributors and AI developers through platforms like Masa will open the floodgates to the AI ​​data economy, making every click, research and development of data a accomplished, and the interaction counts for something bigger. Welcome to the AI ​​data economy.

Get ready. The Masa e Token Network will launch on or around April 11th.