The bull market is just a hallucinogen given to you by Gouzhuang

I have been speculating in currencies for several years, and I can feel the despair everyone feels day by day.

The bear market has not passed for long, and the currency speculators have gradually stopped talking about the market and currencies. I browsed through the WeChat groups for a while, and found that they were either bickering, or boringly caring about national affairs, and more often than not, they were gossiping, driving, and releasing their hormones that had nowhere to vent in front of a bunch of strangers.

I am bored and waiting for the bull market to come.

Many people have experienced the 13-year bull market and the 2017 bull market, but still haven't made much money, and now they are looking forward to the next bull market to liberate themselves.

Is the bull market really a recipe for getting rich?

Thinking back, in addition to the two bull markets in the currency market, you have also experienced the bull market in the stock market, the US stock market, and the doubling of real estate. You have missed them all. Do you think you will not miss the next bull market?

I think most people will still miss it.

Let us think about it, is every bull market a familiar recipe and a familiar taste? The initial rise makes you suspect that it is just a small rebound. In the midst of suspicion and hesitation, it suddenly rises sharply. Then you chase the rise and continue to rise sharply. Looking at the floating profit on the book, you enjoy the wealth that the bull market has brought to you. Increase, then continue to add positions, and then start to plummet when you numb yourself. It doesn't even take long for you to lose all your money, and finally start a new round of reincarnation.

Li Xiao said,

Leeks are the weak retail investors in the trading market who make no money or even lose money.

They are those who take risks regardless of the cost.

They are those people who spend their whole life buying things without reading the product instructions.

They are those who ask others how to use whatever they get.

They are those idiots who don't study, don't research, are blaming, and short-sighted.

Of course, you are not a leek,

You were never a leek,

At most, you are "almost like a leek".

Even if you have experienced several bull markets, you still accidentally "got cut off."

So what if the bull market comes?

In fact, most people still don't make money during the bull market. If you don't cash out in the bull market and continue to add positions in the bull market, you think you have made money because of the increase in account numbers, but in fact it is just a hallucinogen given to you by Gouzhuang.

Once the effects of the bear market wear off, we are faced with the bleak reality.

Successful traders are always in the minority.

The characteristic of these people is that they are not impressed by appearances and like to explore the essence beneath the surface.

Only in a bear market can you make money.

Think about when our ordinary leeks enter the market and when are they cut?

Think about when the Dog Village was laid out, when did the big net be woven to invite you to enter the urn?

Don't we understand that Gouzhuang attracted enough chips during the bear market? When an opportunity comes and the bull market begins, a carefully woven network will slowly open to you, and few people can escape!

Therefore, we must follow the footsteps of Gouzhuang, stick to it on the way to bear, follow the footsteps of Gouzhuang and slowly absorb chips, and be consistent with Gouzhuang in terms of operation.

Bulls are short and bears are long!

The bear market is very long, and there is enough time for you to pick good targets. And you can get in at a cheap enough price.

Only by clearing away the fog can you make money. Put aside the hallucinogens of the bull market. With the same cash in hand, you can buy much more chips in a bear market than in a bull market. Therefore, you are richer in a bear market because of the same Funds can buy more chips.

Wait until you start to slowly withdraw from the bull market bubble, so that you have a chance to have enough bullets when the next bear market comes. Look at those top speculators. Their success is all due to their planning during the economic recession and their withdrawal during the economic bubble. They never wait until the bear market before thinking about escaping.

Speculation must be very lonely. The short-lived cash-in opportunities in the bull market require hard work and persistence in the bear market.

Life is long. In addition to the currency market, there are many other opportunities. There will be many bull markets. Seizing one is enough.

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