Entry is not the whole story of trading, it is just the beginning.

It is right to trade with the trend and wrong to trade against the trend. Once a trend is formed, it is difficult to change in the short term.

A light position is right and a heavy position is wrong. Positions affect attitudes, and attitudes affect decision-making.

It is right to be content and wrong to be greedy. Greed is the enemy, contentment is the key.

It is right to stop losses and protect profits, and it is wrong to let things go their own way. Principal comes first, profit comes second.

The objective operation is right and the subjective analysis is wrong. Operate objectively and follow the rules.

It is right to wait and be patient, and it is wrong to be impetuous and impulsive. Develop patience and take advantage of opportunities.

It is right to add positions based on profits, and it is wrong to add positions based on quilt cover. Profit is the right direction, but quilting is the wrong direction.

It is right to be calm and calm, and it is wrong to worry about gains and losses. The essence of trading is the confrontation between human nature and mentality.

All entry is a process of trial and error. No entry can guarantee a 100% probability of occurrence. Entry is not the whole story of trading, it is just the beginning. Looking for the absolutely perfect entry is the biggest trap in trading. Only by crossing this hurdle can we truly understand what trading is.

Contract trading should avoid these mistakes:

1. Heavy warehouse or even hard sex

Whether you are a novice or a veteran, participating in trading like this is nothing more than wanting to get rich overnight by relying on a heavy position, relying on an opportunity, leaving no room for error, and an extremely dangerous operation method.

2. High leverage

This issue needs to be comprehensively measured. First of all, everyone knows that risk depends on the comprehensive evaluation of leverage + position margin.

3. Open orders and increase positions against the trend

For example, if you go short during an uptrend and the trend continues and strengthens, you will continue to cover your position and increase your risk. If you increase your position by the original margin amount, your risk will double, and the liquidation price will also double. This kind of transaction itself is definitely wrong and should be stopped.

4. Change the value of the first order at any time

Trading profits can easily make some people inflated, and winning streaks can make some people feel invincible and can't help but increase their positions. Even if the loss ratio of this order is the same as the profit ratio of the previous order, you will still lose, because increasing the position position. Planning is very important, and trading must be principled and rational.

5. Do a single trade without a stop loss.

The meaning of stop loss is to stop making mistakes, otherwise resisting orders will lead to liquidation.

If there is anything you don’t understand, please ask Junyao from the currency circle on WeChat to find out! #BTC