1. What is IoTeX#IOTX物联网+AI #IOTX能不能财富自由 #IOTX.智能策略库

​ ​ ​ IoTeX (IOTX) is currently the only DePIN modular Web3 infrastructure platform that connects smart devices and real-world data to the blockchain. IoTeX is a leading provider of decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePIN) technology, available for full deployment or integrating modules into existing frameworks.

IOTX coin is the currency of the Internet of Things concept sector. Its full English name is IoTeX. Many investors may not know much about this project. IoTeX is a card park project established in Silicon Valley in 2017. The original intention of the project is to create an open and mutually trusted Internet of Things ecosystem. Its goal is to enable all people or machines to interact with information and exchange value in a more secure, reliable and privacy-protected environment.

2. Project Analysis

IoTeX recently received $50 million in investment in the DePIN ecosystem, which will be injected into the DePIN project of long-term staking $IOTX , DePINsurf accelerator, and #BuiltOnIoTeX. It will be used to accelerate the growth and adoption of DePIN, focusing on areas such as artificial intelligence, energy, and mobile travel. It promises to create a new era of growth and innovation in the DePIN field.

The IoTeX team is located in Silicon Valley, Singapore, China and other parts of the world, with 35 full-time members and more than 30 open source contributors around the world. Since its launch, the code has been submitted 1,763 times, basically every day, and the project has been maintained frequently. In terms of the community, there are currently more than 20,000 fans on Twitter. The popularity is good, but it is not very active and has little interaction. In addition, the top ten currency holdings account for as high as 93%. The centralization is relatively serious and there is a certain risk of market control.

In terms of governance, the project completely adopts on-chain governance, which is implemented by community nodes. Currently, more than 60 community nodes have participated in IoTeX operational governance, all completed through on-chain voting and smart contracts, with a high degree of decentralization. At the same time, as more new nodes continue to be added, governance capabilities are also continuously strengthened.

The project supports STKING coin holding and has cooperated with COBO wallet. Participating in Staking can enjoy an annualized return of 11%. The entry threshold is very low and the experience is also very good.

3. My views on this project

IoTex is a blockchain + IoT project. It is an automatically scalable and privacy-centric blockchain infrastructure project. It builds a blockchain platform that supports IoT applications with lightweight, private and scalable blockchain underlying technology. IOTX tokens are used to transfer money, run distributed applications, and incentivize community participants. IoTex attaches great importance to users' demand for privacy and has certain prospects. Everything depends on the subsequent project development. $IOTX

The IoTex coin project has been online for quite a while, and its development has been quite stable. There are also many investment institutions and members with good backgrounds. At present, some project products have been launched. In general, the project still has great potential and is a currency worth looking forward to.

4. Price Prediction

#IoTeX is a relatively new blockchain with great potential. More IoT devices and DApps are likely to be created on the#IoTeXnetwork, which will affect the overall price of #IoTeX. According to reports, in 2023, the#IOTXprice prediction is expected to see a generally positive trend, and the price is expected to continue to rise in the next few years. Personally, I think the price will be between $0.2 and $0.5!$IOTX