If you don't know how to stop loss, you will eventually be a loser! A wise man knows the times. Seeing that this bull attack false breakthrough has failed, then stop going against the trend. My point of view is that the first half of the bull market has ended, and the market has entered the halftime break during the halving period.

Looking at a bunch of cat coins nft today, it reminds me of the return of the wave of zoos in 2021. Yes, I liquidated my position again and took back part of my profits after the year. It doesn't matter, victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. I was so calm that I didn't even notice how much profit I had made, so I decisively cut my losses. A gentleman should not stand behind a dangerous wall. When everyone thinks that the price will skyrocket after halving, we should think in the opposite direction. There is nothing new in the currency circle, it’s the same logic as the Macau casino where you kill the big and pay the small.

I am not like other big Vs who blindly bullishly tell you to rush all day long. That is irresponsible. As an old leeks and professional traders, my more important mission is to remind everyone of the risks and never get carried away.

Zhou Wenqiang said: Stud is a kind of wisdom! There are preconditions for that, you have to understand. The leader said: Stop loss is a state! Where there is life, there is hope. You must know how to admit your weakness and ordinaryness when appropriate. For this reason, I revisited the movie "The War on Drugs" that many people didn't understand. Aren't Andy Lau, Jet Li and Takeshi Kaneshiro acting in the ancient version of "Anti-Drug"? Luck has nothing to do with ability. Is Liu Bang better than Hong Xiuquan? Not necessarily, it's all just luck.

I just go with the flow and won't do anything stupid like trying to control the situation. No matter how cruel the trading war is, I have to give myself a breath, so I can make a comeback every time. Actually, I didn’t lose much. The cost of 70,000 fell below the 30-day moving average of 67,000 stop loss, which gave Gouzhuang about 3,000 points of profit. However, in the contract order group, I have actually called short for several days, and the profit has offset part of the floating loss of the spot, so it is just a small loss, and it doesn't hurt me. After all, I take it lightly. The most valuable thing for you to learn from me is not my skills, but my noble attitude that regards money as dirt.

It's just that Gouzhuang deliberately did the opposite in April, falling first and then rising to make up for the gap in the monthly line. Everything is under control. I admit my small mistake. After all, no one is a sage, as long as I don’t hurt my muscles and bones or seriously damage my vitality. I'm not Ke Zhen'e who can only scold and fight, so you don't have to look at my eyes to act. Rather, I hope that through my trading diary, you can continuously improve your abilities and have your own judgment logic, which can only serve as a reference for my nonsensical operations. After all, no one can achieve a 100% winning rate, not even Banmuxia.

Yesterday, it was claimed that 150,000 contracts were liquidated, but no one in my group was affected because I was calling for shorting at highs. It is said that the United States sold some of the low-priced chips seized from the Silk Road that year. I really admire those who deal with news and can find so many reasons to comfort themselves after the fact. It fell, it fell, because it fell, so it fell. There are no so many reasons.

The market will then enter a vacuum cooling-off period. If it is now equivalent to 2019, then it will last for several months or even half a year. When the market has a new narrative engine, we will usher in a real surge and a blowout at the end of the year. At that moment, it was the real bull market in the leader's mind.

Therefore, do not quit easily. Even if you do not trade, you should always welcome the dynamics of the market, grasp the rhythm, and take the pulse. Just like this month, those blockchain water sellers who hold conferences and charge admission tickets are going to make a lot of money again. Just like Amway people can never make money, those scalpers who sell information and conference tickets may live more comfortably than diamonds.

Whether it is the carnival in Hong Kong at the beginning of the month or the 2049token in Dubai at the end of the month, these web3 and CX leaders will definitely come up with new tricks to slowly bring in the funds of those outsiders left on the earth. Even if there is no new theme, it is obvious that AI artificial intelligence has been coined, and robots will replace many human jobs and become unstoppable. There are only three years left for humans. According to overseas consultations I know, the robots that AI artificial intelligence will build in three years will surpass the IQ of most people. "Terminator" is not far away from us.

Everything is fine, no matter how Wall Street manipulates the market. The scarcity effect after the Bitcoin halving will ferment in about half a year, and the ultimate battle for digital gold has begun. You and I are all mortals, lingering in the world of coins, neither sad nor happy. . . . . .