Viet Chain (VET) - a cryptocurrency with all its secrets

Not only currency

Fit Chen, which wants to change the world in the field of merchandise inventory management, aims not only to track your branded boots from the factory to your closet. No, uncle! It wants to be a notebook for everything you hold dear, even your limited edition memes collection. Imagine a world in which every meme has its own record on the blockchain. “Okay, why?” You ask. In the world of digital currencies, anything that is not on the blockchain is as if it does not exist at all.

From supply chains to the memes railway

VetChain works secretly inside you to ensure that your merchandise is authentic, and without you even knowing it, it has become riding on the meme track. Its name alone is Viet Chen, which means you can turn a straw into a meme. In the end, what's in the name? There is something called blockchain, even if it has another name, it will protect supply chains in the same way.