Main Image text: BTC


※As mentioned above, the bearer of the large-band downward consolidation on the 19th said on the 23rd that the bearer would not end his departure, and also informed that he would continue to accumulate funds on the 29th as mentioned on the 19th. Therefore, as long as it reaches a record high, we must pay attention to the possibility of a collapse.

※ Following the previous article, many major events will be avoided for six days, and the event will be postponed to after April 2. And around April 10th as mentioned above, choose one.

※Continuing from the previous article on the 19th, this empty master has discovered the weakness of the multi-master. Whether it reaches a new all-time high in the future is no longer very important. Whether there is a new high or not, the empty owner can be used as the starting point for speculation.

※Continuing from the previous article, on the 19th, this empty owner held a big sword and waited for many troops to come forward.


★The air host will take a temporary break before 4 a.m. on the 3rd. Therefore, the empty owner has a chance to rebound when resting.

The bearer will come to build a low after 20:00 on the 3rd. But the bears on the 19th will not leave after reaching a low. As mentioned above he will always be there. It's just a problem at every turn.

After the bearer established a low after 20 o'clock. There will be multiple hosts starting after 0:00 on the 4th. The multi-host will be completely over before the 7th.

No matter when you follow up, the empty master is very important. You must know that this empty owner wants to suppress the strength that starts from 10,000 points. Last time, it reached 59,005 from 69,000. This is the same empty master.

Although important, special attention must be paid to the behavior of the empty master. The Lord of Space is not a person without worries. He will pay attention to the situation of multiple events. Therefore, in terms of the behavior of the empty owner, if it is stable when it should be, but it is not broken when it is supposed to be, but it is still low, then there must be something big that the empty owner will be dumbfounded.

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