The price of #跟着驰哥学交易 BTC has fallen by 6.25% in the past 24 hours and by 7.68% in the past 7 days. However, we also need to consider other technical indicators and market sentiment to judge the market outlook.

First of all, according to the KDJ indicator, KDJ currently has a golden cross pattern, which may indicate that BTC is expected to continue to rise.

Secondly, according to the BOLL indicator, BOLL currently has a pattern of touching the lower track, which means that BTC is expected to continue to rise.

In addition, according to the MACD indicator, it may also support the bullish view of BTC's market outlook.

However, it is important to note that according to the RSI indicator, the RSI is currently overbought, which may suggest that BTC may experience a certain correction.

Based on the above indicators and sentiment analysis, although the amplitude of BTC has narrowed, overall, the market outlook is more likely to be bullish.