Market review: There was a unilateral downward trend during the day. In the morning, it retreated strongly to the first-line position of 65600, and then rebounded and pulled back to the first-line position near 67100. Then in the afternoon, Wei Yi was short near 67100 and 3390, and the big pie was taken. More than 1,200 points of space were placed, and Ether gained more than 70 points of space. In the afternoon, Wei Yi also gave a short rebound, and it rebounded to above 67,000 as expected, giving him the opportunity to enter the short position. The market point, direction and overall layout are particularly important. Yi Ge's thinking during the day was consistent with the market.

Flight situation analysis: There was a unilateral retracement trend during the day, and it broke through last week's bottom line support near 68200. If the upward trend is delayed, it is the world of short sellers. It broke through the bottom line support at the high level during the day, and this momentum It will continue to continue, and the trend in the medium and long term is still dominated by shorts. The short-term macd analysis will also give a small bullish counterattack. After the counterattack, the short-term is mainly short-term and you can continue to chase shorts. Looking at the daily and hourly macd analysis, both are mainly short-term, and the volume column continues to increase, so it is still Maintain the intraday thinking of rebounding short.

Big pie suggestion: short around 66200, target 63000

Ether suggestion: empty near 3340, target 3150$BTC $ETH #大盘走势 #BTC