There are many myths about getting rich in the currency circle. If you were given another chance, could you become the master of these myths? What makes you become them? An important reason why I failed to become one is that the stock market started to gain momentum slowly in 2013, and all the funds were invested in the stock market. At that time, Bitcoin was 118 RMB. A media promoted that BTC would return to zero sooner or later. It was a pyramid scheme. I bought the first coin in my life. The cost of Ant Coin was around 2 cents. A stock friend tried to persuade me to buy it, but he only bought 1,000 yuan. Later it increased to more than 200 yuan, but I forgot which exchange it was on. I missed my first fortune in this way. Got it

Li Xiaolai: The biggest winner of Bitcoin, he exchanged 100,000 Bitcoins for 13.5 billion in cash, realizing his dream of getting rich overnight. Li Xiaolai was originally just an English teacher at New Oriental living on his salary every day, but by chance, he learned about Bitcoin and felt that this virtual currency had a great future, so he bought Bitcoin crazily when the price was low. coins, then hoard them and sell them when the price of Bitcoin is high. Some people may think that the profit from this price difference is actually not big, but no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat. Through Li Xiaolai's continuous efforts, the number of Bitcoins in his hands has been growing significantly and steadily, and has reached the huge number of 100,000.

Guo Hongcai: Known as Mr. Bao, he is a Bitcoin angel investor. His investments include Yihang Cloud Computing, Wells Fargo Fund, Yangyang Interview, Bit Fund,

Jiang Zhuoer: During the first wave of the bull market in 2011, I didn’t invest too much. I was just a patient observer like most people. Perhaps in his opinion, there was too little data on digital currencies at that time, and he still had many questions and uncertainties in his mind.

Kane Ellis: He founded a technology consulting company at the age of 18 and began to participate in Bitcoin mining in 2010. At that time, the price of one coin was only US$1.60. A few years later, he sold US$200,000 of BTC to buy it. Maserati.

Smith: Is a software engineer. He has netted $2.3 million.

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