[2024.4.2 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis]

When I woke up, it was all red. This is the rhythm of halving the brothers' assets before the pie is halved. Yesterday's recommendation showed that the top of the weekly line was sideways. If it fell below the daily support, the rise was over. Currently, the second The top of the wave has been formed. At 7.30pm on the 31st, the small family reminded everyone to reduce their positions based on spot profits, and the contract layout was short-term. Yesterday, the live broadcast room also talked about the formation of the top of the big pie. If it falls below the daily support, the rise will end and start to fall. It is currently at the previous low of the last wave, and it has only dropped a little. Brothers, don’t panic, I haven’t started to recharge your faith yet!

Every time before the pie is halved, there will be a market wash and some leveraged players have to be cleaned up. So I often say that you may not make money by playing with contracts in the bull market, but you can certainly make money by playing with spot prices. Combined with the recent declines, can you feel what I mean? That’s true!

The lowest pin of the pie in the early morning was 65600. The second position of the pie I gave last night was 65650 (error 50u). Ether directly fell below the third support level I gave. It was a bit fierce. In the future, everyone will pay attention to the pie. I also Let’s focus on analyzing the big pie. The rubbish of ether is really too mud to hold up the wall! #热门话题

Today’s order ideas:

#BTC At present, the short side has a daily correction in the 1/2/4 hours. For today’s rebound, pay attention to the positions above 68210-68780-69400. If you stand firm at 69400, this wave of decline will end in 4 hours and stand on the long side.

If the rebound fails, pay attention to the lower support level near 66178-65610-64030-63030.

#ETH(二饼) At the moment, the short side has a daily correction in the 1/2/4 hours. For today's rebound, pay attention to the positions above 3436-3457-3478-3527. If you stand firm at 3527, this wave of decline will end in 4 hours and stand on the long side.

If the rebound fails, pay attention to the lower support level, 3342-3315-3260-3220-near these positions.