⚡The 7 dominant horsemen of Bitcoin⚡

✍🏻Dominance refers to the proportion of the total value of the digital asset market that is made up of #Bitcoin. It is calculated by dividing your market capitalization by that of the total market and then multiplying the result by 100 to get a percentage.

💡This indicator is useful to understand the flow of money, especially the investment rotation between #Bitcoin and #altcoins. But the King asset has market dominance for several historical and practical reasons. Let's look at some keys:

🏆 It was the first cryptocurrency to be created and released to the public in 2009. This gave it a first-mover advantage and established itself as the gold standard in the digital asset space.

🏆 Its highest Market Capitalization, which is calculated by multiplying the current price by the number of units mined so far. Due to its price and the number of coins in circulation, Bitcoin has maintained the largest market capitalization compared to others.

🏆 Its high Liquidity presents smaller percentage variations than altcoins. This means that although its price rises less compared to others, it also falls less in times of market volatility, which contributes to its dominance.

🏆 It is the best known and widely accepted. Its recognition and adoption by institutional and retail investors has given it a dominant position in the market.

🏆 Over time it has established itself as one of the most "stable" compared to #altcoins, which can be more volatile and risky.

🏆 Many altcoins are dedicated to different sectors such as video games, art, and decentralized finance. This, while increasing collective value, also disperses investment across many options, thus maintaining #Bitcoin's dominance.

🏆 It is also used as an indicator of the general state of the market. High dominance may suggest a preference for safety over speculation in #altcoins.