There are currently more than 30,000 known currencies. With so many currencies, it is difficult to choose. If you buy more, you will lose quickly, but if you bet on the leader, you can make a lot of money in the bull market. If you don’t know what to choose, just choose the leading currency.

for example:

• DOGE is the big boss of funny coins.

• ONDO is the new dark horse in the RWA sector

• FIL and STORJ storage leaders

• ARB and OP are leaders in layer 2 networks.

• ETH and BTC are the leaders of layer one networks.

• ORDI is the number one inscribed coin.

• SOL and APT are the leaders challenging Ethereum.

• BLUR is a pioneer in the NFT market.

• SAND stands for Metaverse.

• TIA stands for modularity.

• ZETA spans the entire chain.

• YGG and PIXEL are new forces in chain oil.

Do you know who are the best on the track? Which other sector leaders do you think are worth investing in?

