[Skywards proposes to add Ethena’s sUSDe to Aave V3 on Ethereum]

In a key step for the DeFi industry, Skywards proposes integrating Ethena’s sUSDe into Ethereum’s Aave V3 platform. This move aims to leverage sUSDe as a stable asset with yield potential to attract borrowers on the Aave platform. This proposal has entered the TEMP CHECK stage, indicating possible upgrades and improvements to Aave.

As an integration proposal for stablecoins, sUSDe represents an important expansion of the Aave ecosystem. The risk parameters provided by Chaos Labs emphasize Aave's emphasis on risk management. This move not only reflects the community-oriented decision-making process, but also demonstrates the demand of a diverse user base for stable income assets.

In addition, Aave is also considering adding Renzo Protocol’s ezETH to its Ethereum V3 version, introducing Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) as a new asset class. This not only improves the diversity of staking and lending on the Aave platform, but is also expected to increase the demand and liquidity of ezETH.

Renzo Protocol’s proposal for ezETH demonstrates its innovative and diverse contributions in the DeFi ecosystem. The successful implementation of these proposals will likely redefine the DeFi landscape and enhance the attractiveness and functionality of lending platforms.

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