Investing before you have time is your only way out as an amateur investor! 99% of professional investors in the currency circle are not qualified because they don’t even have the basic awareness of risk control.

Hello everyone! I am Wei Yi. Judging from the retracement last night, it showed an upward trend as expected during the day. In the afternoon, the idea of ​​​​retracement was still maintained, but only a small retracement was given, and the trend was at a high level. The pie and Ether only won I won’t talk about it since it takes up a small amount of space.

Targeting the intraday trend, after the early surge, the trend retraced slightly and turned negative. The market stopped at a high level, but continued to fluctuate. The short-term trend was still relatively obvious, fluctuating at a high level, and failed to achieve a substantial upward rebound. The trend is expected, so the downward structure is relatively weak, which is due to the influence of the overall trend structure after the increase. Pay attention to the strength of the retracement in the evening. If it breaks below, it will be short.

Big pie suggestion: more around 70,000, target 72,500

Ether suggestion: more near 3580, target 3720$BTC $ETH #新币挖矿 #大盘走势 #BTC #ETH(二饼)