The three inscription carriages of sats, rats, and cats will influx a large amount of Bitcoin and Ethereum in the short term, and together with the pie of Ether, it will further grow wildly. Yes, it is not the stablecoin that is pouring in, but the pie, because the inscriptions on the chain Transactions are all settled in Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Bitcoin inscription plate

ordi 1.4 billion US dollars

pearl $2 million

sats 1.1 billion US dollars

rats $300 million

atom 300 million US dollars

piin pipe .ant mmss $cats π etc.

Ether Inscription Plate

eths 100 million US dollars

Facet $05 million

Click on the main leaf to follow the public account: Bifangshe, free ban on skirts, focusing on the new pearl ordx protocol, the enhanced version of ordi atom, which solves the shortcomings left by ordi and atom, and can seamlessly move all BRC20 projects to the ordx protocol to solve the problem Creating garbage for btc has caused btc congestion. It has opened a new gameplay mode of inscription + nft + currency. okx has been launched. The market value of this protocol is 2 million US dollars. Compared with other protocols, there is still hundreds of times of space. Because it has been promoted for a few days, I will not discuss this. Let’s talk more. From the day it was launched, it has been on the hot search list and transaction list of Ouyi Wallet. People who follow me and buy it have made at least 5 times the profit. In the very early days, the basic market value of the same agreement was over 100 million.