Discover how Shardeum is redefining blockchain resilience with its Security Mode to ensure continuous operations & security, even in the most challenging conditions.

Promoting Innovation & Education on Web3

On behalf of the Shardeum engineering team, we are excited to gradually unveil a series of blog posts revealing the behind-the-scenes efforts to build the world's first linearly scalable smart contract platform. Through this disclosure, our goal is to inspire the broader Web3 community and ecosystem and drive future innovation. You don't want to miss this post 🙂.

In this blog post, we will focus on one of the latest breakthroughs at Shardeum — as we complete the implementation of network mode, especially “Security Mode” by the end of 2023. Like a biological immune response, security mode ensures that application transactions can be paused if conditions occur. the network is not optimal and Shardeum will continue to grow and be active, processing transactions and synchronizing data as long as we have active nodes. This milestone marks another important step in our journey to bring decentralization to society, underscoring the advanced technology and overall readiness that makes it possible.

We recently published an article about network modes with a focus on “Recovery Mode” which allowed Shardeum to easily overcome a major betanet crash and make it the first sharded blockchain network to recover all its data. Check it out now here!

Understanding Network Modes on Shardeum

With this Shardeum upgrade, network modes (of which security mode is one of the main ones) have now been successfully integrated into the Shardus network. Network modes, in essence, are different network states that collectively ensure that the network can manage its life cycle effectively, from establishment and operation through potential crises and even into recovery mode, thereby ensuring network stability if non-optimal network states arise.

It is important to emphasize that despite the benefits that network mode brings, some modes such as restart or shutdown mode, may never appear on Shardeum. For example, it takes all (or almost all) validators missing to trigger restart mode. But Shardeum has a restart-like mode to prepare for even the most unlikely scenarios.

Seven (Wonders!) Shardeum Network Modes

Similar to traffic signals directing vehicle flow, these modes guide the behavior of our network in response to the number of active validators and other key thresholds. From a technical perspective, network modes in Shardeum are designed to respond dynamically to network needs and conditions. These modes guide how validators interact, ensuring performance and robustness. Let's break down what each mode means for Shardeum:

  1. Establishment: This initial phase allows new nodes to join and synchronize their state data until a specified minimum number of active nodes is reached, preparing the network for the operational phase.

  2. Processing: In this mode, the network is fully operational, processing application transactions. Nodes can join, leave, or be replaced as needed, ensuring continued network functionality. This is the default operating mode on Shardeum.

  3. Security: Triggered when the operational stability of the network is questioned. This mode limits activity to protocol transactions only, stopping application transactions to maintain network integrity.

  4. Recovery: Initiated when the number of active nodes falls below a certain threshold. This mode stops application transaction processing and application data synchronization. This mode aims to quickly add standby nodes to restore the network's minimum required nodes by focusing on synchronizing protocol data and creating new cycle records.

  5. Restart: This mode is activated when the network needs to be rebooted, often after a complete shutdown or when too many nodes are lost. Nodes join the network without synchronizing application data, and rely on the Archiver for critical network information. The goal is to quickly reach the minimum nodes required to transition to recovery mode.

  6. Recovery: The node focuses on synchronizing state data from the Archiver and other nodes to become active. This mode is critical for transitioning from a recovery or restart state to fully operational, ensuring all nodes are synchronized and active.

  7. Shutdown: This last mode can be triggered by administrative actions or significant degradation of the active node. This mode terminates all transactions and prepares nodes to exit the network, ensuring the Archiver has a record of termination for future network restarts.

Each mode has its time and place, even in suboptimal network conditions, and together they ensure a network that is resilient, strong, and always running. First, let's explore security modes, before turning our attention to the general benefits of having this level of preparedness in the context of distributed and decentralized technologies. As a note, we'll explore the other modes in detail in future posts.

Security Mode Features and Benefits

  1. Security First
    Security Mode guarantees that if there is a significant drop in active validators, Shardeum will switch to a protective state, prioritizing data synchronization over application transaction processing.

  2. Network Stability & Integrity
    Security mode is designed to maintain network stability when the number of active nodes falls below a certain threshold. By limiting the network to only processing protocol transactions, it reduces the burden and complexity of operations, helping to ensure that the network's core functions remain intact and secure.

  3. Prevention of Data Damage or Loss
    In shard-based systems, losing a large number of nodes can compromise data integrity, especially if these nodes are responsible for a particular shard. By entering security mode, the system can prevent scenarios where transactions may not be processed correctly or where data may be lost due to insufficient node coverage.

  4. Automatic Response to Tissue Stress
    Security mode acts as an automatic response mechanism to a sudden drop in node participation. These automatic switches can be critical in preventing cascading failures that can occur if the network continues to operate under normal conditions despite a significant reduction in active nodes.

  5. Facilitates Network Recovery
    By focusing only on protocol transactions, the security mode allows the network to operate in a smaller capacity, making it easier to maintain and manage. This simplified operation makes it easier for new or recovering nodes to synchronize and participate in the network, thereby aiding the overall recovery process.

  6. Ensure Consensus Integrity
    In decentralized systems, maintaining consensus is critical. Security mode helps maintain the integrity of the consensus process by reducing the operational complexity of the network and ensuring that the remaining nodes can continue to agree on the state of the network.

  7. Protects Against Potential Attacks
    In some scenarios, a sudden drop in active nodes can be caused by a coordinated attack. By switching to security mode, the network reduces its vulnerabilities, as only critical protocol transactions are processed, leaving less room for malicious activity to exploit weak network conditions.

  8. Maintaining Critical Operations
    Even at reduced capacity, security mode ensures that critical network operations continue. This means that critical updates, necessary maintenance tasks, and basic network functions are maintained, ensuring that the network does not completely come to a halt.

In short, security modes in systems like Sharduem provide an important safety net that ensures network stability, prevents data loss, aids recovery, and maintains the integrity of the consensus mechanism during periods of stress or reduced node activity. This mode is critical to the long-term resilience and sustainability of decentralized shard-based networks.

Benefits of Network Mode in Shardeum: An Insight

So, now that we have a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of security mode, what benefits do the other major modes provide to Shardeum?

  • ⚡ Rapid Establishment: During the establishment phase, the network grows at an impressive rate, quickly reaching operational capacity.

  • 🔄 Efficient Rotation: During the processing phase, validators are rotated efficiently, thereby seamlessly balancing network demand and validator availability.

  • 🚦 Dynamic Adaptability: Also during the processing phase, the network can grow or shrink based on demand, ensuring optimal performance.

  • 🔒 Robust Recovery: Even if the overall number of active validators required drops drastically, Shardeum's recovery mode works to stabilize, regroup, and rebuild.

  • 🤝 Seamless Collaboration: In the restart phase, thanks to the Archivist role, the network can recover even if all active validators are lost

  • 🚀 Fast Restart: Also during the restart phase, in the unlikely scenario of total validator loss, restart mode ensures a fast network revival — this means Shardeum will always be able to bounce back, even in highly unlikely scenarios.

  • 🔄 Fast Sync: As we transition between modes, the sync process is accelerated to speed up node speed.

  • 💡 Continuous Learning: This implementation teaches us to adapt and evolve, leading to future innovation.

A big thank you to the amazing Shardians

To our passionate Shardians, dedicated node operators, ecosystem collaborators, and invaluable partners: THANK YOU! 🌍 Your unwavering support, energy, and commitment make every line of code and every feature implemented truly worth the effort. You are Shardeum's heartbeat, and together, we shape the future!


So, what have we discussed today? Shardeum's implementation of the latest network modes, with a highlight on Security Mode, equips our network with resilience, adaptability, and the ability to thrive amidst challenges. It's not just about protecting operations and assets; it's also about ensuring each Shardian's experience remains the best it can be. As we move forward, know that Shardeum is stronger, more resilient, and continues to grow, all thanks to our collective efforts. Here's to a safer, faster and more powerful smart contract platform! 🚀

#ShardeumIsBorderless #Shardeum