I am a little leek, but I have no choice but to order some vegetables.

Buy at a high place and sell at a low place. The capital is only 14 yuan.

2. JIU is a golden shovel, which can be used for market making and mining with DFS, with an annualized rate of about 80---110%;

Open a small vegetable garden and plant a DFS every two days.

Split in half to exchange for JIU vegetables, mining in the mining pool is really refreshing,

Open a small vegetable garden and plant a DFS in two days.

When JIU’s food prices increase, you won’t have to deliver food anymore!

I had no choice but to go out to deliver food, and met Zhu Di who was growing vegetables.

DFS Mainnet meme coin JIU coin investment instructions:

DFS Mainnet meme coin JIU coin investment instructions:

1. JIU is the JIU of leeks and has no substantive meaning;

3. In line with the purpose of sustainable updating, this article will be updated every two days. One DFS will be invested each time, and the profit and loss will be recorded in real time!

Grow JIU vegetables in the leek garden, and have a great harvest in 2 days. The first issue of the DFS fixed investment record - 14.1☞16.3U

#Meme #JIU #DAO治理