Main Image text: BTC


※In the near future, all kinds of major events will be stuck together. There are both bullish and short-term events, and there are many main forces. As of today, it has gradually become milder.

※As mentioned above, the bearer of the large-band downward consolidation on the 19th said on the 23rd that the bearer would not end his departure. He also informed that he would continue to accumulate funds on the 29th as mentioned on the 19th. Therefore, as long as it reaches a record high, we must pay attention to the possibility of a collapse.

※ Following the previous article about major events, I have not seen any events as of the 29th. This may be an incident caused by the agency, because it will avoid it for the next six days, and the incident will be postponed until after April 2. And around April 10th as mentioned above, choose one.

※Continuing from the previous article, the multi-owners started to stay after 16:00 until 4 o'clock in the morning on the 31st. Although the multi-owners did not move, the price was at a high level at this time.


★Continuing from the previous article, there should be no market movement for the multi-owners and empty-owners in the near future. After there was no movement from the multi-owners earlier, the bearers will come after 12 noon on the 31st. Although it is said that there should be no movement, but after all, the main forces are coming. Breakthrough, so when the bearer comes, pay attention to whether the support level breaks down. It's normal if it doesn't break.

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