A 53-minute recording of Li Xiaolai’s remarks about the currency circle was exposed. In this conversation, in addition to a lot of swear words, the remaining “essence” can be said to be full of witty remarks and direct truth.

However, the recording was accidentally leaked. I thought that the turmoil in the cryptocurrency circle and the exodus of retail investors might be a scene of "hell on earth", but I never thought that after being in the cryptocurrency circle for a long time, the bigwigs have become more and more "Buddhist". Li Xiaolai was calm and even took time to shed tears in the theater. Shuai Chu and Sun Chenyu, who were bluntly criticized, not only refuted the rumors in a formal manner, but also did not show any intention to attack Li Xiaolai. The situation seems to be calmer than expected.

Is there a turbulent undercurrent behind the calm? Or is the collapse of the boss's image not enough to stop the greed for profit? This gorgeous scam that was exposed by the parties involved may continue.

A beginner's guide to the cryptocurrency world: the difference between being a leek and being a fool

Back when cryptocurrency and blockchain were still discussing the concept of the value internet, now when I look at the "real words" spoken by the "richest man", I can only see irony. In fact, looking back, Li Xiaolai's growth path in the cryptocurrency circle is basically following the "routine" in the recording: "The first is that you have to find a way to become a person with traffic and then make good use of your traffic. The second is that you have to become a person with a technical team. They all call us an investment company."

There are three stages. The first is to explain blockchain, the second is to talk about successful cases, and the third is to promote some new projects. According to these cases, the new project must become our main project, so our national design group, design tour, and our value are also measured. "

In 2013, when Bitcoin soared to more than $1,300, Li Xiaolai appeared in a program created by CCTV for this purpose, claiming that he had purchased a "six-digit" amount of Bitcoin. Since then, he has become an instant celebrity and has appeared in major magazines for a long time. At that time, his so-called title was "one of the people with the most Bitcoin in China." Under the money and controversy, Li Xiaolai became what he called an "IP" and did not shy away from his identity as an Internet celebrity, saying "this attribute has always been there."

It is true that the cryptocurrency industry is a traffic business, and many leeks may not be unaware of this, but those who go there for Li Xiaolai's fame are at least fans. Who would have thought that in his eyes, they are just idiots. While making money from idiots, he also curses these people as idiots. Li Xiaolai's face as a cunning businessman probably smashed his original personality to pieces.

On the other hand, this recording exposes the "law of the jungle" in the cryptocurrency world. It is worth discussing whether it will have a positive effect on the "leeks" at the bottom of the food chain. Perhaps it can also be said that Li Xiaolai's truthful words should become a guide for any "leeks" to get started in the cryptocurrency world.

First, correct your investment values. In the audio, Li Xiaolai said: "If you just follow the crowd and think that value investing is right, then you are destined to be a fool and mediocre person." What does it mean? Going to great lengths to come up with a high-sounding label for a project is just to fool fools. You should always remember that the ultimate goal of entering the market is to make money. Considering the concepts of value Internet, decentralization, and subverting the financial system at the beginning of this year, it is easy to understand what it was all about.

Secondly, don’t believe in anyone. According to Li Xiaolai, Shuai Chu and Sun Yuchen issued air coins, Da Hongfei had already sold almost all of his own coins, Zhao Changpeng has bad character and a dark history, and it seems that these bigwigs who are thriving in the cryptocurrency circle are almost not good people. Of course, such private personal remarks are not authoritative, but if the consensus of idiots is also a consensus, the initiative to break this consensus is also in the hands of the majority.

Li Xiaolai's words have some warning effect, but even so, the leeks may not be able to listen to them.

Can the “two-faced” Li Xiaolai really not cause much trouble?

Li Xiaolai is a controversial figure on the Internet. Those who trust him regard him as a mentor, while those who hate him accuse him of collecting IQ tax and making shameless money. But no matter what, the label that Li Xiaolai can't get rid of along the way is wealth and money. The Road to Financial Freedom made him famous, and the scenery in the cryptocurrency circle made him follow a bunch of "eating meat and drinking soup" believers.

It’s a pity that the “richest man” in the cryptocurrency world is not very friendly to his believers. In fact, before this recording was exposed, it had been revealed that Li Xiaolai, on the one hand, advised the “leeks” to be rational, while on the other hand, he secretly enjoyed the fame and fortune brought by harvesting the leeks with peace of mind.

During the Spring Festival in 2017, Li Xiaolai's advice to new investors was "most people should not enter the market", and then "invest less, less, and less again". This statement caused great controversy online at the time, and many people said that he "got a bargain and sold out", but now it seems a bit pretentious. At the same time, he also had a debate with Runmi Chairman Liu Run on "cutting leeks" in the circle of friends, saying that "the so-called leeks are people who cannot or are unable to take responsibility for their own actions" and are a group of people who should not enter the market.

Although he said so on the surface, the voice in his heart might not be so. Before the recording, iHeima quoted Uncle Lu (Northeastern Cat)'s evaluation of Li Xiaolai in the report: "Once he was slightly drunk, Li held his mobile phone and said to me: 'You don't have to sympathize with those idiots, and you don't have to promise anything. If you look strong, they will be willing to pay you.' It seems that this is what Li Xiaolai really thinks.

Perhaps it is precisely this awkward and contradictory status that makes his remarks not absolutely true, not to mention that he used the non-compliant form of leaking recordings to convey his personal understanding of the cryptocurrency circle. Therefore, only a few of the bigwigs involved in the matter actually responded, and only Chen Weixing, an "irreconcilable" enemy of Li Xiaolai, came out to express his views, but it was difficult to cause a bigger dispute.

Are they too lazy to care? No, Li Xiaolai's self-promotion is somewhat biased. If the bigwigs who are being criticized really refute it with reason, they will instead fall into doubts that these scams are confirmed. Instead of arguing, it is better to let it ferment. Li Xiaolai can't sing this one-man show alone. Now some people even suspect that this play was written and performed by Li Xiaolai himself, which shows the public's support.

The host of the blockchain super topic Bitcoin Qiushanjun said on Weibo today: I opened a short position in Bitcoin last night, and then released the recording myself, and then said that an insider released my recording. This kind of marketing trick is not the first time that Teacher Li has played it.

Stupid X is stupid X, why do leeks still stick to their "original intention"

Li Xiaolai said the most truthful thing in the recording, that is, there are too many idiots, and the consensus of idiots is also a consensus. When this explanation that cannot be raised to the surface is made public, the leeks have to face the bloody facts. But after their self-esteem was hurt, did Li Xiaolai have fewer believers? Did the speculators in the currency circle decrease?

First, Li Xiaolai is just one of the representatives of the cryptocurrency circle. If Li Xiaolai is missing, there will be other cryptocurrency stars to fill the void. Although it is a traffic business, the leeks will not stick to one person. Second, some people think that Li Xiaolai has spoken the "truth" and the truth of the industry, and they want to become his fans. Even if the "mentor persona" he has established collapses, it doesn't matter. What's important is that he speaks the truth. Such jokes may not be taken seriously, but it illustrates a problem: how many people care about the truth?

As wave after wave of cryptocurrency scams are exposed and the market is constantly in danger, the outside world is speculating whether the leeks' psychological defenses have been touched. But in fact, the strong desire for financial freedom seems to be more solid than imagined. This may be the leeks' last psychological defense.

Therefore, Li Xiaolai's truth, after allowing them to see more industry truth, may not change their current actions.

This can be seen from the fact that many leeks are still embracing the new form of coin issuance, including Li Xiaolai's BigONE. Throughout June, the new platform trading model of "trading is mining" emerged, which made FCoin popular and attracted many "newcomers" such as CoinEx and Coineal to follow suit. However, in this trend of following the trend, Zhang Yangbin and Li Xiaolai's greed was particularly ugly.

On the evening of June 9, Zhang Yangbin was accused of sexual harassment. Afterwards, the customer service of Manbi.com threatened users with "banning assets" not to spread the two chat screenshots involving sexual harassment, which shocked everyone again. Even so, this negative news made Manbi famous. On June 18, Manbi's "trading mining" was launched, and the highest price the next day reached 0.001458ETH, a six-fold increase in a single day. To a certain extent, the pursuit of the leeks for the currency seems to have completely obliterated the three views and common sense.

The now-defunct BigONE hit a new low, with "ONE worth 4 cents being bought by users for 1 dollar". The people who made the net profit were suspected to be internal members of the team.

No one who is selling things wants to be cut, but even if they know the truth about 99% of the coins being air coins, they always think that they will not be the one who gets the hot potato in the end. What’s more, it is Li Xiaolai’s personality that has collapsed, not the money effect of the entire currency circle.

Li Xiaolai said, "With traffic, media, game halls, and exchanges, this thing can start to turn." Once it starts to turn, it is difficult for one person to change it unless one link is completely disconnected. Therefore, there is no shock in the cryptocurrency circle, and no infighting in the industry. At best, Li Xiaolai can no longer be the "little prince of the platform."

That’s the end of today’s story. If you want to delve deeper into the cryptocurrency world but can’t find a clue and want to get started quickly, you can find Junyao from the cryptocurrency world on Weibo.