How to hold a portfolio for the uptrend season safely and optimally:

Through many ups and downs, some tokens still grow sustainably over time as well as many tokens that have disappeared.

If you have 100 coins in capital (considered 100%), you should appropriately allocate your portfolio to limit risk and optimize profits.

You should spend 60% of your total capital to buy and hold BTC & ETH. Don't care what the current price of BTC and ETH is, if you have money, buy more at the average price because the value of BTC after halving will exceed 100k$ as well as ETH will exceed 10k$.

With the remaining 40% of your portfolio, you should allocate 10% to projects like ARB and SUI to hold.

The 10% you buy Meme hold is typically DOGE.

The remaining 10% you buy some potential projects like Pyth, XCHNG.

Only spend a maximum of 10% of your portfolio on surfing or Future.

Sometimes it's sunny and sometimes it's rainy, the market goes up and down, but after the rain it's bright like a poet once wrote:

"The sea sinks into the night

Let the horizon shine again"

Be patient with your portfolio because "fast is not enough".

Give BTC, ETH time...