The various high-sounding terms in the currency circle sound confusing, but these seemingly professional things are actually very simple.

The God of Wealth will help you sort out the so-called "high-sounding"

This article is purely fictional, and the descriptions are all wrong. It is just to make fans happy. I hope you can understand!

What does L2 mean?

The second-layer network, the first layer is the original network, such as the BTC network and the ETH network, but now they are too slow and too backward to handle so much data now, what should I do?

The blockchain cannot be tampered with easily, so a new chain is made, and the data is processed on the new chain and then packaged and sent to the original chain. This new chain is L2, which does not modify the original chain, and processes the data of the original chain, saving the handling fee.


What is NFT?

It is a small picture that can be bought and sold online, that is, the token is written on a piece of picture information, and it becomes a token in the form of a picture, that is, NFT, which is more convenient to trade and record airdrop information.


What does defi mean?

Decentralized finance is just financial transactions that are completely on the chain.

To put it bluntly, many transactions that were previously carried out in the exchange APP (buying and selling, staking, contracts) have become defi after being completely moved to the chain.


What is meta?

Metaverse, what is metaverse? Have you played The Sims? It is almost the same thing. The difference is that The Sims is connected to virtual currency and it becomes the metaverse.



The third generation of the Internet, it sounds very grand, but in fact, my understanding is that it is an Internet product that can pay dividends and make money. Although 90% of web3 products cannot make money now. .


What is inscription?

The smallest unit of Bitcoin is Satoshi. One Bitcoin can be divided into up to 100 million onions (Satoshi). Writing something in each onion becomes a pie inscription.

Inscription is equivalent to a parasite in the onion. There are good and bad parasites. . However, many tokens are half-dead. . .

What does depin mean?

To put it simply, a decentralized physical network is just a blockchain network composed of offline connected devices.

The concept sounds very new, but in fact it is similar to Bitcoin node mining. Maybe Bitcoin uses a mining machine, and you use a mobile phone.


What are RWAs?

My understanding of real-world assets is projects linked to physical objects, but I estimate that most of these physical objects are imaginary or created.


What is a meme?

Emotional currency is a currency without any technology or innovation. It relies entirely on buying and selling and relying on emotional output. Its characteristic is that it is cheap, but its disadvantage is that it returns to zero quickly.


What is cex? Exchange, what is dex? On-chain exchanges various exchanges


What is gamefi?

It’s a game on the chain, but I think whether a game is fun or not has nothing to do with whether it can keep up with the game.


Blockchain 3.0-cutting leeks 3.0


In fact, it doesn’t matter what these things are, what’s important is that more and more people will play them in the future. #币圈新人

Let me reiterate that this article is purely fictional and what it says is complete nonsense.

It takes three years to enter the industry, five years to master it, and ten years to become the king. Trading is not about getting rich in one go, but about making reasonable profits that can be long-term, stable, sustainable, and highly probable, so that you can continuously obtain wealth. Professionalism creates value and details determine success or failure.

I am the God of Wealth, a veteran in the currency industry, and I only tell the truth. If you are interested in the currency circle and want to get started quickly but feel confused, please follow me and contact me through the homepage. I will provide you with real, valuable advice to help you move forward steadily. Let’s explore, grow and create brilliance in the currency circle together!