😀😃😄😁Summary of FED Chairman Jerome Powell's meeting today

➡️ February data is clearly more in line with what the Fed expected. They are happy to see data that matches expectations.

➡️ Cutting interest rates early will cause major disruption. But waiting too long can cause unnecessary damage to the economy and labor market.

➡️ The FED is prepared for unexpected developments in the economy so there is no need to rush to cut interest rates.

➡️ If the basic situation does not change, the FED will keep interest rates at the current level longer but the possibility of an economic recession at the present time is not high.

➡️ The US economy's solid growth and strong labor market give us the opportunity to have more confidence in inflation until interest rates are cut.

➡️ The FED is still hesitant to lower interest rates this year.

✴️ Source: HC Capital

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