38 hidden rules that young people must understand after entering society

1. Between money and sex, you must know how to give priority to money, and do not waste money because of the pursuit of women.

2. Women who like to play cards tend to have more emotional entanglements.

3. It will be more difficult for men who are weak and incompetent to find a girlfriend.

4. Women need a reason to have sex, but men just need the right place.

5. Women who lack charm will tend to criticize men for being philandering; men who lack strength will tend to criticize women's reality.

6. Any relationship should end promptly when the other person never considers your feelings and interests.

7. No matter what happens at someone else’s home, if you are not notified, just pretend not to know, and don’t ask questions afterwards.

8. People who have had conflicts with you, whether relatives or friends, can never return to the friendly state of the past.

9. Interpersonal communication is like a business. Whether it is sincere or not depends on the chips you have.

10. People who care too much about other people’s opinions often fall into humble status and destroy themselves step by step.

11. Don’t frequently post personal updates on social platforms. There are always people paying attention to you. Don’t trust others easily.

12. Don't overestimate your status in the hearts of others. Others usually only remember you when they need it.

13. Learn to reject others and retaliate in kind, so that others will respect and even fear you.

14. Everyone is snobbish and greedy, because this is part of human nature.

15. When you make a fool of yourself, there will always be people who laugh at you, but don’t be afraid, because everyone has embarrassing moments.

16. Learn to remain silent, do not reveal your inner secrets, and do not complain to the opposite sex to avoid being taken advantage of.

17. Learn to praise others, be good at recognizing people, and unite outstanding talents around yourself, but avoid being conceited.

18. It’s okay to laugh at others, but don’t laugh at the things that others like, because that is insulting other people’s taste.

19. When clinking glasses with others at the wine table, keep your own glass lower than the other person’s, especially if the other person is an elder or leader.

20. Any interpersonal relationship will often be lost if you value it too much. We must learn to treat it in moderation to avoid falling into passivity.

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