Tell me a story about a real-life friend who is involved in the currency circle.

Mr. Zhang, my old cousin used to be a waiter at a hot pot restaurant. He made more than 30 million in cash in the currency circle before 2019. I won’t talk about how he made it. It’s just bullshit luck and the aura of being the chosen one. You can buy a minimum of ten houses in a small county, three Cayennes, and N real estate shops in the main city. You are a real winner in life. You can sleep comfortably wherever you go. In the past, everyone called me brother when they saw me, but when they got rich, they called me brother. As a result, I wanted to earn a small goal because of greed.

He started a company and invested in FIL, Kia, BZZ and other mining machines. Suddenly one day he felt that he had no money. He borrowed money everywhere. Because of his large assets, he was given a lot of money.

Suddenly one day when he contacted me, he actually asked me to borrow money, and his title was changed to big brother. He asked me to help him. He wanted to be an OTC currency dealer and asked me to give him some traffic, so I gave him some resources. With his repeated thanks, he invited me to dinner, drinks, and pedicures.

Mr. Zhang worked off-site and borrowed a BMW 5 Series with zero down payment. He hired a driver and three younger brothers, who felt like he was going to earn 100 million. As far as I know, the younger brother’s salary has not been paid yet.

Why not pay wages? Because the younger brother was sentenced to 2 years, Mr. Zhang was also sentenced to 5 years.