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How to treat web3? When you look at something, it actually reflects your view of money. Some people have heard that web3 is a scam and are afraid of losing their wallets, so they stay away immediately. This kind of personality must be conservative and prudent, suitable for saving money and going to work to earn wages. They are unwilling to accept the risks of new things. Some people have heard that web3 can make money. No matter what kind of imitation they are, they will immediately get loans and sell houses. Such people are impetuous and radical and are gamblers. They are anxious to make a fortune, but they have no research and patience. And you don't want to be this kind of person, you have to be a shrewd businessman who can earn limited profits. Shrewd businessmen can take risks proactively. That's because they never gamble when they see profits. The fourth bull market of web3 has begun. This wave of pie may cost 150,000-200,000 dollars. Ether may cost 10,000-15,000 dollars. Arb op sui may cost 5-10 knives. Ordi and sats may rise 20-30 times. Rats and other small inscriptions, as well as some applications, will increase by 30-50 times. You may lose all your principal, or you may gain dozens of times the increase. It depends on whether you have this knowledge. The understanding in the currency circle is that you should buy as much as you want. When to sell. I can fully understand that it is impossible not to make money in a bull market, and it is impossible not to make money. All those who make money by buying coins in the currency circle are studying these three issues. If you buy the wrong joker, it will be useless if you buy too little, and it will be useless if you don’t sell it. I have experienced two cycles myself. I have already established a position on whatever I buy. Naturally, I have a heavy position on whatever I buy. There is also a full plan for when to sell. Many people are thinking about making money and probably have no plans to sell, but I have already made it. 2024 will be the year when application construction explodes. I call it the application year in the history of blockchain development. I am a currency hoarder. I increase my currency through arbitrage on the market + make money off the market to increase my principal and invest it in the market. I continue to increase my currency. I earn currency in the bear market and U in the bull market. Generally, people who play like me can basically go from zero to one million in one cycle, and reach tens of millions in two cycles. My model is very stable, I don’t play with contracts, I only play with arbitrage and airdrops. It is suitable for everyone who is patient and likes to make money in web3. #web3空投 #区块链Web3 It takes three years to enter the industry, five years to master it, and ten years to become the king. Trading is not about getting rich in one go, but about making reasonable profits that can be long-term, stable, sustainable, and highly probable, so that you can continuously obtain wealth.Professionalism creates value and details determine success or failure. I am the God of Wealth, a veteran in the currency industry, and I only tell the truth. If you are interested in the currency circle and want to get started quickly but feel confused, please follow me and contact me through the homepage. I will provide you with real, valuable advice to help you move forward steadily. Let’s explore, grow and create brilliance in the currency circle together!

How to treat web3?

When you look at something, it actually reflects your view of money.

Some people have heard that web3 is a scam and are afraid of losing their wallets, so they stay away immediately. This kind of personality must be conservative and prudent, suitable for saving money and going to work to earn wages. They are unwilling to accept the risks of new things.

Some people have heard that web3 can make money. No matter what kind of imitation they are, they will immediately get loans and sell houses. Such people are impetuous and radical and are gamblers. They are anxious to make a fortune, but they have no research and patience.

And you don't want to be this kind of person, you have to be a shrewd businessman who can earn limited profits. Shrewd businessmen can take risks proactively. That's because they never gamble when they see profits.

The fourth bull market of web3 has begun. This wave of pie may cost 150,000-200,000 dollars. Ether may cost 10,000-15,000 dollars.

Arb op sui may cost 5-10 knives. Ordi and sats may rise 20-30 times. Rats and other small inscriptions, as well as some applications, will increase by 30-50 times.

You may lose all your principal, or you may gain dozens of times the increase. It depends on whether you have this knowledge.

The understanding in the currency circle is that you should buy as much as you want. When to sell. I can fully understand that it is impossible not to make money in a bull market, and it is impossible not to make money.

All those who make money by buying coins in the currency circle are studying these three issues.

If you buy the wrong joker, it will be useless if you buy too little, and it will be useless if you don’t sell it.

I have experienced two cycles myself. I have already established a position on whatever I buy. Naturally, I have a heavy position on whatever I buy. There is also a full plan for when to sell. Many people are thinking about making money and probably have no plans to sell, but I have already made it.

2024 will be the year when application construction explodes. I call it the application year in the history of blockchain development.

I am a currency hoarder. I increase my currency through arbitrage on the market + make money off the market to increase my principal and invest it in the market. I continue to increase my currency. I earn currency in the bear market and U in the bull market.

Generally, people who play like me can basically go from zero to one million in one cycle, and reach tens of millions in two cycles.

My model is very stable, I don’t play with contracts, I only play with arbitrage and airdrops. It is suitable for everyone who is patient and likes to make money in web3. #web3空投 #区块链Web3

It takes three years to enter the industry, five years to master it, and ten years to become the king. Trading is not about getting rich in one go, but about making reasonable profits that can be long-term, stable, sustainable, and highly probable, so that you can continuously obtain wealth.Professionalism creates value and details determine success or failure.

I am the God of Wealth, a veteran in the currency industry, and I only tell the truth. If you are interested in the currency circle and want to get started quickly but feel confused, please follow me and contact me through the homepage. I will provide you with real, valuable advice to help you move forward steadily. Let’s explore, grow and create brilliance in the currency circle together!

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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今天来分析下$TRB现在还能跟?能否重回去年的500美元?看完以下五点参考,自行决定入还是不入 1️⃣TRB,即Tellor币,是B安布局预言机领域的重要币种。这支币的走势往往不是由市场技术面决定,而是受到主力资金的高度控制。 2️⃣在币圈,TRB因其独特的控盘特性而备受关注。由于缺乏明确的数据流支撑,投资者在投机TRB时往往感到难以捉摸。因此,对于想要涉足TRB的投资者来说,需要谨慎行事,因为简单的技术分析可能并不适用。 3️⃣回顾TRB的历史走势,我们不难发现它曾多次上演暴涨暴跌的戏码。特别是在2024年初,TRB经历了一次惊心动魄的“过山车”行情。短短4个月内,TRB从268.88美元一路飙升至593.09美元,涨幅高达120.5%。然而,就在市场为之疯狂时,TRB却突然断崖式下跌,短短6小时内便跌至143.69美元的低点,跌幅高达312.75%。 4️⃣这一次的上涨,与之前的暴涨手法颇为相似。上次被套在500美元附近的投资者可能还在苦苦等待解套。对于这种由主力高度控制的币种,每一次的拉升都似乎带有明确的目的性。它们并非基于市场的整体行情或利好消息而上涨,而是更多地受到庄家意图的驱动。因此,投资者在投资TRB时需要保持清醒的头脑,谨慎分析市场走势和庄家意图。 5️⃣总之,TRB的未来走势仍然充满不确定性。虽然有人看好其重回500美元之巅,甚至预测会涨到1000美元,但投资者仍需谨慎行事,避免盲目跟风。在币圈这个充满变数的世界里,只有保持冷静和理性,才能在这场博弈中立于不败之地。 币圈的风险与机会并存,大家看完资料自行判断吧。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过煮页来连戏财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #TRB暴涨 #5月市场关键事件 #山寨币热点
散户为何不知道怎么在山寨币中寻找百倍币?如果你不懂,认真看完以下几点,满满的干货 接下来我们讲正文! 1、如何寻找潜力百倍币 寻找潜力百倍币就和找对象一样,你得知道在哪里找到它。我自己常用的方法是在非小号app里按照排序,寻找市值在10亿以下的币种。 最好是5亿市值以下的,如果要划市值范围,就是1-5亿的,至于5-10亿市值的,那么是有一定热度的了。 在币圈大熊市周期里,市值仍有1-5亿的,说明项目仍没有结束。这些币种都是你要考虑埋伏和布局的。 2、如何筛选潜力百倍币 找到我们的币种,就要进行筛选了。你不能所有币种都去埋伏它,否则注定要当冤大头了。 (1)看看这些币种是否上欧易和BN, 这个关乎它的热度,同时也意味着它的跑路概率; 通常的顺序会是欧易→BN;看它是全上了,还是只上了其中的一个。 (2)考察币种创始人 这里的考察不是要你去奔现哈,而是了解币种创始人的身份、背景和经历。 例如是本国的、还是外国的。如果是本国的,要小心,类似雷达币搞cx,跑路的事情还少吗? 例如是否有成功创业史或成功项目史;如果有的话,可以说明创始人有一定资金实力,可以降低割韭菜风险。 (3)选择2022年-2025年上市的新币种,套牢盘少; (4)看看币种属于哪一个板块的概念,这一点建议参考买新不买旧的原则。 3、如何布局潜力百倍币 (1)通过寻找+筛选后,你肯定会有一些币种的名单了。那么接下来要做的就是控制好你的仓位,你不要全仓all in这些币种。 买BTC和ETH虽然没有百倍,但是几倍是没有问题的,而且是妥妥的赚;那么大仓位你肯定得给BTC和ETH! (2)BTC大回调时再购入,现在BTC价格61000+,一定不是最好的购入时机,这个时机今年下半年会出现。要明白一点:币圈交易80%时间是等待,20%时间才是交易。 (3)买入之后,要么百倍,要么归零!当它盈利10倍的时候,你要开始关注它了;当它盈利20倍的时候,你要开始做分批止盈的动作。 当它 30倍、50倍的时候,你要学会变现然后换别的币种交易或提现离场!我会选择后者居多,不然来币圈是来干嘛的? 4、复盘+总结 一系列操作下来之后,你得多多复盘和总结,下次你的操作就会更精湛! 另外不要死等100倍才开始卖它,分批止盈会是一个不错的选择,毕竟像htmoon那种千倍币真的是可遇不可求,2021年我用几万收几百万,至今仍然记忆忧新。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过煮页来连戏财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #BTC #ETH #Binance

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