1. Li Xiaolai, the biggest winner of Bitcoin, achieved his dream of getting rich overnight by exchanging 100,000 Bitcoins for 13.5 billion in cash. Li Xiaolai was originally just an English teacher at New Oriental living on his salary every day, but by chance, he learned about Bitcoin and felt that this virtual currency had a great future, so he bought Bitcoin crazily when the price was low. coins, then hoard them and sell them when the price of Bitcoin is high. Some people may think that the profit from this price difference is actually not big, but no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat. Through Li Xiaolai's continuous efforts, the number of Bitcoins in his hands has been growing significantly and steadily, and has reached the huge number of 100,000.

2. Guo Hongcai is known as Bao Erye, a Bitcoin angel investor. His investments include: Yihang Cloud Computing, Wells Fargo Fund, Yangyang Interview, Bit Fund, and Bit Wallet. He once owned the world's largest Bitcoin mine. In 2013, he bought Bitcoin at Garage Coffee.

In 2016, Guo Hongcai was invited to attend the Davos Forum and shocked everyone! Wearing a T-shirt and slippers, he challenged the well-dressed financial professionals and made a high-profile voice for the Bitcoin community at the Davos Forum. He also officially joined the Advisory Committee of the WINGS Foundation.

In 2018, he spent 500 bitcoins to buy a mansion in the United States.

3. "Bitcoin helped me buy a house" - Daniel Crocker, business owner In 2012, Daniel Crocker was completing an apprenticeship at an IT company. Every day during lunch time, he would chat with his colleagues and make some extra money. When the topic of Bitcoin came up, he decided to give it a try and make a small investment. Then, as their value continued to grow, he held on to the coins for 8 years. Last year, he sold some for enough money for half the deposit on his house. "I do know some people who have done in-depth research, but I think I've been lucky enough.

4. Kingsley Advani, software engineer Some people speculate, some invest, but Kingsley Advani went all in. He emptied his bank account and sold everything he owned in order to buy as much Bitcoin as he could. It paid off big time. In mid-2017, just as the massive bull run was beginning, Kingsley saw the incredible potential of Bitcoin. He took all his money, sold everything he owned, including his laptop, and bought $34,000 worth of Bitcoin. A few months later, he became a millionaire. He now travels between San Francisco, New York, and London, serving as a consultant to startups in the cryptocurrency industry. "It's like a rebellion against traditional finance," Advani said.

5. Erik Finman, high school dropout and entrepreneur. In 2011, when Erik Finman was only 12 years old, he took the $1,000 his grandmother gave him and invested in Bitcoin. At the time, one Bitcoin was worth about $10. He dropped out of high school at the age of 15 and made a bet with his parents that if he made $1 million by the age of 18, he would not have to go to school or college anymore. He then sold $100,000 of Bitcoin and started a business from his bedroom. He built an educational company, Botangle. Two years later, he sold his company for 300 Bitcoins. When Bitcoin broke through $2,700, he officially became a millionaire. The key is that he was only 17 years old, so he won the bet with his parents. Instead of going to college, he traveled around the world, visiting Dubai, Hong Kong, Beijing, London, Prague, Sydney, Melbourne, Vienna and Stockholm. Today, he has an 8-figure net worth. He is a key investor in a cryptocurrency startup in Silicon Valley and helped introduce the 2020 Cryptocurrency Act as a citizen advocate.

6. Kristoffer Koch. In 2009, Norwegian student Kristoffer was writing his master's thesis on cryptography. When he read Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper on Bitcoin, the insights he gained from his research helped him see the impact this new cryptography could have. He bought Bitcoin for $26.60. Despite having $26.60, his partner was skeptical about spending "real money" on "fake money." Fast forward to 2013,

Kristoffer saw Bitcoin on the news. He did a quick calculation and realized he was close to becoming a millionaire. He sold 1,000 Bitcoins and bought an apartment. If he held onto another 4,000, he would be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

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