Coin speculation does not understand the turnover rate

It will be in vain to speculate for another 10 years

First, a turnover rate between 3% and 5% indicates that the main force is collecting funds. If the currency price is at a low level, special attention should be paid to it.

Second, the turnover rate is greater than 8% and less than 15%, which means a large inflow of main funds, and currency prices tend to rise.

Third, if the turnover rate is greater than 25%, it means that the main force is shipping. If the currency price is at a high level and closes the big negative line at the same time. It's a peaking signal.

Fourth, the turnover rate exceeds 70%. It shows that the main force is fleeing due to risk control! The probability of a sharp decline in the future is very high! It is best to sell directly and don’t take chances.

Fifth, it is very important. The turnover rate of new currency is greater than 50% when it opens. Then it is around 20%, indicating that the market outlook can still move towards the moving average.


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